Secret Management (Vault)
HashiCorp Vault is used as Secret Management solution for Raspberry PI cluster. All cluster secrets (users, passwords, api tokens, etc) will be securely encrypted and stored in Vault.
Vault will be deployed as a external service, not running as a Kuberentes service, so it can be used by GitOps solution, ArgoCD/FluxCD, to deploy automatically all cluster services.
Vault could be installed as Kuberentes service, deploying it using an official Helm Chart or a community operator like Banzai Bank-Vault.
Installing Vault as Kubernetes service will drive us to a chicken/egg situation if we want to use Vault as only source of secrets/credentials for all Kuberentes services deployed. Vault requires to have Block storage solution (Longhorn) deployed first since its POD needs Perstistent Volumes, and to install Longhorn, a few secrets need to be provided to configure its backup (Minio credentials).
External Secrets Operator will be used to automatically generate the Kubernetes Secrets from Vault data that is needed to deploy the different services using FluxCD/ArgoCD.
Vault installation
Vault installation and configuration tasks have been automated with Ansible developing a role: ricsanfre.vault. This role, installs Vault Server, initialize it and install a systemd service to automatically unseal it whenever vault server is restarted.
Vault installation from binaries
Instead of installing Vault using official Ubuntu packages, installation will be done manually from binaries, so the version to be installed can be decided.
Step 1. Create vault’s UNIX user/group
vault user is a system user, not login allowed
sudo groupadd vault sudo useradd vault -g vault -r -s /sbin/nologin
Step 2. Create vault’s storage directory
sudo mkdir /var/lib/vault chown -R vault:vault /var/lib/vault chmod -R 750 /vault/lib/vault
Step 3. Create vault’s config directories
sudo mkdir -p /etc/vault sudo mkdir -p /etc/vault/tls sudo mkdir -p /etc/vault/policy sudo mkidr -p /etc/vault/plugin chown -R vault:vault /etc/vault chmod -R 750 /etc/vault
Step 4: Create vault’s log directory
sudo mkdir /var/log/vault chown -R vault:vault /var/log/vault chmod -R 750 /vault/log/vault
Step 5. Download server binary (
) and copy them to/usr/local/bin
wget<version>/vault_<version>_linux_<arch>.zip unzip vault_<version>_linux_<arch>.zip chmod +x vault sudo mv vault /usr/local/bin/.
is amd64 or arm64, and<version>
is vault version (for example: 1.12.2). -
Step 6. Create Vault TLS certificate
In case you have your own domain, a valid TLS certificate signed by Letsencrypt can be obtained for Minio server, using Certbot.
See certbot installation instructions in CertManager - Letsencrypt Certificates Section. Those instructions indicate how to install certbot using DNS challenge with IONOS DNS provider (my DNS provider). Similar procedures can be followed for other DNS providers.
Letsencrypt using HTTP challenge is avoided for security reasons (cluster services are not exposed to public internet).
If generating valid TLS certificate is not possible, selfsigned certificates with a custom CA can be used instead.
Follow this procedure for creating a self-signed certificate for Vault Server
Create a self-signed CA key and self-signed certificate
openssl req -x509 \ -sha256 \ -nodes \ -newkey rsa:4096 \ -subj "/CN=Ricsanfre CA" \ -keyout rootCA.key -out rootCA.crt
The one created during Minio installation can be re-used.
Create a TLS certificate for Vault server signed using the custom CA
openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 \ -keyout vault.key \ -out vault.csr \ -batch \ -subj "/C=ES/ST=Madrid/L=Madrid/O=Ricsanfre CA/OU=picluster/" openssl x509 -req -days 365000 -set_serial 01 \ -extfile <(printf "") \ -in vault.csr \ -out vault.crt \ -CA rootCA.crt \ -CAkey rootCA.key
Once the certificate is created, public certificate and private key need to be installed in Vault server following this procedure:
Copy public certificate
sudo cp vault.crt /etc/vault/tls/public.crt sudo chown vault:vault /etc/vault/tls/public.crt
Copy private key
cp vault.key /etc/vault/tls/vault.key sudo chown vault:vault /etc/vault/tls/vault.key
Copy CA certificate
This step is only needed if using selfsigned certificate.
cp rootCA.crt /etc/vault/tls/vault-ca.crt sudo chown vault:vault /etc/vault/tls/vault-ca.crt
Step 7: Create vault config file
cluster_addr = "https://<node_ip>:8201" api_addr = "https://<node_ip>:8200" plugin_directory = "/etc/vault/plugin" disable_mlock = true listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_cert_file = "/etc/vault/tl/vault.crt" tls_key_file = "/etc/vault/tls/vault.key" tls_disable_client_certs = true } storage "raft" { path = /var/lib/vault }
Vault is configured, as a single node of HA cluster, with the following parameters:
- Node’s URL address to be used in internal communications between nodes of the cluster. (
) - Vault server API listening in all node’s addresses at port 8200: (
listener "tcp" address=
) - TLS certifificates are stored in
- Client TLS certificates validation is disabled (
) - Vault is configured to use integrated storage Raft data dir
- Disables the server from executing the mlock syscall (
) recommended when using Raft storage
- Node’s URL address to be used in internal communications between nodes of the cluster. (
Step 8. Create systemd vault service file
[Unit] Description="HashiCorp Vault - A tool for managing secrets" Documentation= ConditionPathExists=/etc/vault/vault_main.hcl [Service] User=vault Group=vault ProtectSystem=full ProtectHome=read-only PrivateTmp=yes PrivateDevices=yes SecureBits=keep-caps Capabilities=CAP_IPC_LOCK+ep AmbientCapabilities=CAP_SYSLOG CAP_IPC_LOCK CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_SYSLOG CAP_IPC_LOCK NoNewPrivileges=yes ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'exec /vault server -config=/etc/vault/vault_main.hcl -log-level=info' ExecReload=/bin/kill --signal HUP $MAINPID KillMode=process KillSignal=SIGINT Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5 TimeoutStopSec=30 StartLimitInterval=60 StartLimitBurst=3 LimitNOFILE=524288 LimitNPROC=524288 LimitMEMLOCK=infinity LimitCORE=0 [Install]
This systemd configuration is the one that official vault ubuntu’s package installs.
This service start vault server using vault UNIX group and executing the following startup command:
/usr/local/vault server -config=/etc/vault/vault_main.hcl -log-level=info
Step 9. Enable vault systemd service and start it
sudo systemctl enable vault.service sudo systemctl start vault.service
Step 10. Check vault server status
export VAULT_ADDR=https://<vault_ip>:8200 export VAULT_CACERT=/etc/vault/tls/vault-ca.crt vault status
The output should be like the following
Key Value --- ----- Seal Type shamir Initialized false Sealed true Total Shares 0 Threshold 0 Unseal Progress 0/0 Unseal Nonce n/a Version 1.12.2 Build Date 2022-11-23T12:53:46Z Storage Type raft HA Enabled true
It shows Vault server status as not initialized (Initialized = false) and sealed (Sealed = true).
VAULT_CACERT variable is only needed if Vault’s TLS certifica is signed using custom CA. This will be used by vault client to validate Vault’s certificate.
Vault initialization and useal
During initialization, Vault generates a root key, which is stored in the storage backend alongside all other Vault data. The root key itself is encrypted and requires an unseal key to decrypt it.
Unseal process, where uneal keys are provided to rebuid the root key, need to be completed every time vault server is started.
The default Vault configuration uses Shamir’s Secret Sharing to split the root key into a configured number of shards (referred as key shares, or unseal keys). A certain threshold of shards is required to reconstruct the root key, which is then used to decrypt the Vault’s encryption key.
To initialize vault vault operator init
command must be used.
vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1 -format=json > /etc/vault/unseal.json
where number of key shares (-key-shares
) and threshold (-key-threshold
) is set to 1. Only one key is needed to unseal vault.
The vault init command output is redirected to a file (/etc/vault/unseal.json
) containing unseal keys values and root token needed to connect to vault.
"unseal_keys_b64": [
"unseal_keys_hex": [
"unseal_shares": 1,
"unseal_threshold": 1,
"recovery_keys_b64": [],
"recovery_keys_hex": [],
"recovery_keys_shares": 0,
"recovery_keys_threshold": 0,
"root_token": "hvs.AJxt0CgXT9BcVe5dMNeI0Unm"
vault status
shows Vault server initialized but sealed
vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 1
Threshold 1
Unseal Progress 0/1
Unseal Nonce n/a
Version 1.12.2
Build Date 2022-11-23T12:53:46Z
Storage Type raft
HA Enabled true
To unseal vault vault operator unseal
command need to be executed, providing unseal keys generated during initialization process.
Using the key stored in unseal.json
file the following command can be executed:
vault operator unseal $(jq -r '.unseal_keys_b64[0]' /etc/vault/unseal.json)
vault status
shows Vault server initialized and unsealed
vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 1
Threshold 1
Unseal Progress 0/1
Unseal Nonce n/a
Version 1.12.2
Build Date 2022-11-23T12:53:46Z
Storage Type raft
HA Enabled true
Vault automatic unseal
A systemd service can be created to automatically unseal vault every time it is started.
Step 1: Create a script (
) for automating the unseal process using the keys stored in/etc/vault/unseal.json
#!/usr/bin/env sh #Define a timestamp function timestamp() { date "+%b %d %Y %T %Z" } URL=https://<vault_dns>:8200 KEYS_FILE=/etc/vault/unseal.json LOG=info SKIP_TLS_VERIFY=true if [ true = "$SKIP_TLS_VERIFY" ] then CURL_PARAMS="-sk" else CURL_PARAMS="-s" fi # Add timestamp echo "$(timestamp): Vault-useal started" | tee -a $LOG echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" | tee -a $LOG initialized=$(curl $CURL_PARAMS $URL/v1/sys/health | jq '.initialized') if [ true = "$initialized" ] then echo "$(timestamp): Vault already initialized" | tee -a $LOG while true do status=$(curl $CURL_PARAMS $URL/v1/sys/health | jq '.sealed') if [ true = "$status" ] then echo "$(timestamp): Vault Sealed. Trying to unseal" | tee -a $LOG # Get keys from json file for i in `jq -r '.keys[]' $KEYS_FILE` do curl $CURL_PARAMS --request PUT --data "{\"key\": \"$i\"}" $URL/v1/sys/unseal done sleep 10 else echo "$(timestamp): Vault unsealed" | tee -a $LOG break fi done else echo "$(timestamp): Vault not initialized yet" fi
Step 2: Create systemd vault service file
[Unit] Description=Vault Unseal After=vault.service Requires=vault.service PartOf=vault.service [Service] Type=oneshot User=vault Group=vault ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10 ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/etc/vault/' RemainAfterExit=false [Install] vault.service
This service is defined as part of vault.service (
), so stopping/starting vault.service is propagated to this service. -
Step 3. Enable vault systemd service and start it
sudo systemctl enable vault-unseal.service sudo systemctl start vault-unseal.service
Vault configuration
Once vault is unsealed following configuration requires to provide vault’s root token generated during initialization procces. See root_token
in unseal.json
export VAULT_TOKEN=$(jq -r '.root_token' /etc/vault/unseal.json)
As an alternative to vault
commands, API can be used. See Vault API documentation
command can be used. Vault token need to be provider as a HTTP header X-Vault-Token
Get request
curl -k -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" $VAULT_ADDR/<api_endpoint>
Post request
curl -k -x POST -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" -d '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}' $VAULT_ADDR/<api_endpoint>
Enabling KV secrets
Enable KV (KeyValue) secrets engine to manage static secrets.
vault secrets enable -version=2 -path=secret kv
This command enables KV version 2 at path /secret
Vault policies
Create vault policies to read and read/write KV secrets
Read-write policy
Create file
path "secret/*" { capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "patch" ] }
Add policy to vault
vault policy write readwrite /etc/vault/policy/secrets-readwrite.hcl
Read-only policy
Create file
path "secret/*" { capabilities = [ "read" ] }
Add policy to vault
vault policy write readonly /etc/vault/policy/secrets-read.hcl
Testing policies:
Generate tokens for read and write policies
READ_TOKEN=$(vault token create -policy="readonly" -field=token) WRITE_TOKEN=$(vault token create -policy="readwrite" -field=token)
Try write a secret using read token
VAULT_TOKEN=$READ_TOKEN vault kv put secret/secret1 user="user1" password="s1cret0"
Permission denied error:
Code: 403. Errors: * 1 error occurred: * permission denied
Try write a secret using write token
VAULT_TOKEN=$WRITE_TOKEN vault kv put secret/secret1 user="user1" password="s1cret0"
The secret is stored with success:
=== Secret Path === secret/data/secret1 ======= Metadata ======= Key Value --- ----- created_time 2023-01-02T11:04:21.01853116Z custom_metadata <nil> deletion_time n/a destroyed false version 1
Secret can be read using both tokens
vault kv get secret/secret1
=== Secret Path === secret/data/secret1 ======= Metadata ======= Key Value --- ----- created_time 2023-01-02T11:04:21.01853116Z custom_metadata <nil> deletion_time n/a destroyed false version 1 ====== Data ====== Key Value --- ----- password s1cret0 user user1
Kubernetes Auth Method
Enabling Vault kubernetes auth method to authenticate with Vault using a Kubernetes Service Account Token. This method of authentication makes it easy to introduce a Vault token into a Kubernetes Pod.
Step 1. Create
namespacekubectl create namespace vault
Step 2. Create service account
to be used by Vault kuberentes authentication--- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: vault-auth namespace: vault
Step 3. Add proper permissions to service account
Vault kubernetes authentication method accesses the Kubernetes TokenReview API to validate the provided JWT is still valid. Service Accounts used in this auth method will need to have access to the TokenReview API. If Kubernetes is configured to use RBAC roles, the Service Account should be granted permissions to access this API. Check more details in Vault - Kubernetes Auth Method
--- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: role-tokenreview-binding namespace: vault roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: system:auth-delegator subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: vault-auth namespace: vault
Step 4. Create long-lived token for vault-auth service account. From Kubernetes v1.24, secrets contained long-lived tokens associated to service accounts are not longer created. See how to create it in Kubernetes documentation
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: metadata: name: vault-auth-secret namespace: vault annotations: vault-auth
Step 5. Get Service Account token
KUBERNETES_SA_SECRET_NAME=$(kubectl get secrets --output=json -n vault | jq -r '.items[].metadata | select(.name|startswith("vault-auth")).name') TOKEN_REVIEW_JWT=$(kubectl get secret $KUBERNETES_SA_SECRET_NAME -n vault -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)
Step 6. Get Kubernetes CA cert and API URL
# Get Kubernetes CA kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten --output='jsonpath={.clusters[].cluster.certificate-authority-data}' | base64 --decode > k3s_ca.crt # Get Kubernetes Url KUBERNETES_HOST=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.server}')
Step 7. Enable Kubernetes auth method
vault auth enable kubernetes
Or using Vault API
curl -k --header "X-Vault-Token:$VAULT_TOKEN" --request POST\ --data '{"type":"kubernetes","description":"kubernetes auth"}' \
Step 8. Configure Vault kubernetes auth method
vault write auth/kubernetes/config \ token_reviewer_jwt="${TOKEN_REVIEW_JWT}" \ kubernetes_host="${KUBERNETES_HOST}" \ kubernetes_ca_cert=@k3s_ca.crt disable_iss_validation=true
Or using Vault API:
KUBERNETES_CA_CERT=$(kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten --output='jsonpath={.clusters[].cluster.certificate-authority-data}' | base64 --decode | awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}') curl --cacert /etc/vault/tls/vault_ca.pem --header "X-Vault-Token:$VAULT_TOKEN" --request POST --data '{"kubernetes_host": "'"$KUBERNETES_HOST"'", "kubernetes_ca_cert":"'"$KUBERNETES_CA_CERT"'", "token_reviewer_jwt":"'"$TOKEN_REVIEW_JWT"'"}'
External Secrets Operator installation
External Secrets Operator is installed through its helm chart.
- Step 1: Add External sercrets repository:
helm repo add external-secrets
- Step 2: Fetch the latest charts from the repository:
helm repo update
- Step 3: Create namespace
kubectl create namespace external-secrets
- Step 4: Install helm chart
helm install external-secrets \ external-secrets/external-secrets \ -n external-secrets \ --set installCRDs=true
Step 5: Create external secrets vault role. Applying read policy
vault write auth/kubernetes/role/external-secrets \ bound_service_account_names=external-secrets \ bound_service_account_namespaces=external-secrets \ policies=readonly \ ttl=24h
Or using the Vault API
curl -k --header "X-Vault-Token:$VAULT_TOKEN" --request POST \ --data '{ "bound_service_account_names": "external-secrets", "bound_service_account_namespaces": "external-secrets", "policies": ["readonly"], "ttl" : "24h"}' \
Step 6: Create Cluster Secret Store
apiVersion: kind: ClusterSecretStore metadata: name: vault-backend namespace: external-secrets spec: provider: vault: server: "" # caBundle needed if vault TLS is signed using a custom CA. # If Vault TLS is valid signed by Letsencrypt this is not needed? # ca cert base64 encoded and remobed '\n' characteres" # <vault-ca> =`cat vault-ca.pem | base64 | tr -d "\n"` caBundle: <vault-ca> path: "secret" version: "v2" auth: kubernetes: mountPath: "kubernetes" role: "external-secrets"
Check ClusterSecretStore status
kubectl get clustersecretstore -n external-secrets NAME AGE STATUS CAPABILITIES READY vault-backend 10m Valid ReadWrite True
Step 7: Create External secret
apiVersion: kind: ExternalSecret metadata: name: vault-example spec: secretStoreRef: name: vault-backend kind: ClusterSecretStore target: name: mysecret data: - secretKey: password remoteRef: key: secret1 property: password - secretKey: user remoteRef: key: secret1 property: user
Check ExternalSecret status
kubectl get externalsecret NAME STORE REFRESH INTERVAL STATUS READY vault-example vault-backend 1h SecretSynced True
Check Secret created
kubectl get secret mysecret -o yaml
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