Service Mesh (Linkerd)

Why a Service Mesh

Introduce Service Mesh architecture to add observability, traffic management, and security capabilities to internal communications within the cluster.

Linkerd Architecture

Linkerd service mesh archictecture is composed of three planes: control Plane, data plane and observability plane as shows the following diagram:


  • Control plane: providing the services for automatically injecting data plane components into pods(poxy-injector), generate certificates used in mTLS communications in the data plane and authorized data plane componentes (identity), and traffic flow control services (destination)

  • Data Plane, transparent proxy running as sidecar container within the pods. Proxies automatically intercept Pod’s inbound/outbound TCP traffic and add transparantly encryption (mTLS), Later-7 load balancing, routing, retries, telemetry, etc.

  • Observability Plane: Linkerd service mesh is integrated into cluster Obserbability platform.

    • Linkerd control plane and data-plane components expose metrics that can be scraped by Prometheus and their logs can be captured and integrated into Loki (Logging aggregator)
    • User-plane component (linkerd-proxy) can be also configured to emit traces to cluster tracing backend, Grafana Tempo. Linkerd-jaeger extension need to be installed.
    • Linkerd-viz component add a service mesh web dashboard and pre-configured Grafana dashboards.

Automatic mTLS configuration and Certmanager

By default, Linkerd automatically enables mutually-authenticated Transport Layer Security (mTLS) for all TCP traffic between meshed pods. This means that Linkerd adds authenticated, encrypted communication to all application by default.

The Linkerd control plane contains a certificate authority (CA) called identity. This CA issues TLS certificates to each Linkerd data plane proxy. These TLS certificates expire after 24 hours and are automatically rotated. The proxies use these certificates to encrypt and authenticate TCP traffic to other proxies.

On the control plane side, Linkerd maintains a set of credentials in the cluster: a trust anchor, and an issuer certificate and private key. While Linkerd automatically rotates the TLS certificates for data plane proxies every 24 hours, it does not rotate the TLS credentials and private key associated with the issuer. cert-manager can be used to initially generate this issuer certificate and private key and automatically rotate them.

In our cluster we will use certmanager to generate the trust anchor (root CA) needed to sign identity TLS certificate and being able to validate the rest of TLS certificates issued by identity to linkerd-proxy processes.

Linkerd Installation

Installation procedure using cert-manager to automatically rotate control-plane tls credentials is described in linkerd documentation.

The following instalation procedure is a slightly different from the one proposed in that documentation since we will use, as linkerd trust-anchor, the root CA and CA ClusterIssuer already created during Cert-manager installation and configuration for the cluster.

Installation pre-requisite: Configure Cert-Manager

Cert-manager need to be configured to act as an on-cluster CA and to re-issue Linkerd’s issuer certificate and private key on a periodic basis.

Cert-manager CA root certificate (trust-anchor) and CA Cluster issuer is already configured as part of Cert-Manager installation and configuration.

That trust-anchor anc ClusterIssuer will be used to generate linkerd certificate used as intermediate CA for signing linkerd’s mTLS certificates.

Linkerd Installation using Helm

Installation using Helm (Release 3):

  • Step 1: Add the Linkerd Helm stable repository:

      helm repo add linkerd
  • Step2: Fetch the latest charts from the repository:

      helm repo update
  • Step 3: Create namespace

    By default, the helm chart creates the control plane namespace with the disabled label. It is required for the control plane to work correctly.

    Since we are creating the namespace we need to provide the same labels and annotations.

    Create namespace manifest file linkerd_namespace.yml

    kind: Namespace
    apiVersion: v1
      name: linkerd
      annotations: disabled
      labels: "true" disabled linkerd

    And apply the manifest with the following command:

    kubectl apply -f linkerd_namespace.yml
  • Step 4: Create linkerd-identity-issuer certificate resource

    Create file linkerd-identity-issuer.yml

    kind: Certificate
      name: linkerd-identity-issuer
      namespace: linkerd
      secretName: linkerd-identity-issuer
      duration: 48h
      renewBefore: 25h
        name: ca-issuer
        kind: ClusterIssuer
      commonName: identity.linkerd.cluster.local
      - identity.linkerd.cluster.local
      isCA: true
        algorithm: ECDSA
      - cert sign
      - crl sign
      - server auth
      - client auth

    ClusterIssuer ca-issuer, created as part of cert-manager configuration, is used to sign this certificate.

    duration instructs cert-manager to consider certificates as valid for 48 hours and renewBefore indicates that cert-manager will attempt to issue a new certificate 25 hours before expiration of the current one.

    Certificate is creates as CA (isCA:true) because it will be use by linkerd to issue mTLS certificates.

  • Step 5: Command cert-manager to create the Certificate and the associated Secret.

    kubectl apply -f linkerd-identity-issuer.yml
  • Step 6: Get CA certificate used to sign the linkerd-identy-issuer certificate

    Linkerd installation procedure (using Helm chart of linkerd CLI), requires to pass as parameter the trust-anchor (root certiticate) used to sign the linkerd-identy-issuer. It can be obtained from the associated Secret with the following commad.

    kubectl get secret linkerd-identity-issuer -o jsonpath="{\.crt}" -n linkerd | base64 -d > ca.crt
  • Step 7: Install Linkerd CRDs Helm

    helm install linkerd-crds linkerd/linkerd-crds -n linkerd
  • Step 8: Install Linkerd control Plane Helm

    helm install linkerd-control-plane \
    --set-file identityTrustAnchorsPEM=ca.crt \
    --set \
    --set installNamespace=false \
    linkerd/linkerd-control-plane \
    -n linkerd
  • Step 9: Confirm that the deployment succeeded, run:

    kubectl -n linkerd get pod
  • Step 10: Check linkerd control plane configmap

    Check that the ca.crt is properly included in linkerd configmap

    kubectl get configmap linkerd-config -o yaml -n linkerd

    The identiyTrustAnchorPEM key included in the Configmap should show the ca.crt extracted in Step 3

      identityTrustAnchorsPEM: |-
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----

GitOps installation (ArgoCD)

As an alternative, for GitOps deployments (using ArgoCD), instead of hardcoding CA certificate within Helm chart values, a external configMap can be created,linkerd-identity-trust-roots, containing the ca certificate (ca-bundle.crt key). If external configMap is provided, helm value identity.externalCA=true need to be provided during installation.

Trust Manager, installed jointly with Cert-Manager, can be used to automate the generation of that configMap containing the information about the ca secret. See detailed procedure described in linkerd issue #7345.

See Trust-Manager installation procedure in TLS certification management documentation.

In the previous installation procedure, step 6 and step 8 can be replaced by the following:

  • Step 6: Create a Trust-Manager Bundle resource to distribute CA certificate in linkerd namespace as a configmap (source is taken from the namespace trust was installed in, i.e cert-manager)

    Create Trust Manager bundle resource to share ca.crt stored in root-secret within a configMap (linkerd-identity-trust-roots) in linkerd namespace.

    kind: Bundle
      name: linkerd-identity-trust-roots
      - secret:
          name: "root-secret"
          key: "ca.crt"
          key: "ca-bundle.crt"

    Apply this resource using kubectl apply -f command

    Check that config map is created and the content is the expected one

    kubectl get cm linkerd-identity-trust-roots -o jsonpath="{\.crt}"  -n linkerd
  • Step 8: Install Linkerd control Plane Helm (identity.externalCA need to be set to true)

    helm install linkerd-control-plane \
    --set identity.externalCA=true \
    --set \
    --set installNamespace=false \
    linkerd/linkerd-control-plane \
    -n linkerd

Linkerd Viz extension installation

Linkerd provides a full on-cluster metrics stack, a web dashboard, and pre-configured Grafana dashboards. This is the linkerd viz extension.

This extension installs the following components into a new namespace linkerd-viz:

  • A Prometheus instance
  • metrics-api, tap, tap-injector, and web components

Since we have already our monitoring deployment, we will configure Viz extension to use the existing Prometheus and Grafana instance. See linkerd documentation “Bringing your own Prometheus”.

Linkerd-viz dashboard (web component) will be exposed configuring a Ingress resource.

Since Linkerd-viz release 2.12, Grafana component installation is not included. External Grafana need to be configured to enable drill-down from linkerd-viz’s dashboards metrics to Grafana’s dashboards.

By default linkerd-viz dashboard has a DNS rebinding protection. The dashboard rejects any request whose Host header is not localhost, or the service name web.linkerd-viz.svc. So different configuration need to be applied to Ingress resources depending on the Ingress Controller:

  • Traefik does not support a mechanism for ovewritting Host header, Host validation regexp, used by dashboard server, need to be tweaked using Helm chart parameter enforcedHostRegexp.

  • Ingress NGINX does not need to have annotation to properly set the upstream Host header.

See document “Exposing dashboard - DNS Rebinding Protection” for more details.

Installation procedure:

  • Step 1: Create namespace

    By default, the helm chart creates a namespace linkerd-viz with annotations enabled and "enabled"

    Since we are creating the namespace we need to provide the same labels and annotations.

    Create namespace manifest file linkerd_viz_namespace.yml

    kind: Namespace
    apiVersion: v1
      name: linkerd-viz
      annotations: enabled "enabled"
      labels: viz

    And apply the manifest with the following command:

    kubectl apply -f linkerd_viz_namespace.yml
  • Step 2: Prepare values.yml for Viz helm chart installation

    # Skip namespace creation
    installNamespace: false
    # Disable prometheus installation
      enabled: false
    # Configure external Prometheus URL
    prometheusUrl: http://kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9090
    # External Grafana
      url: kube-prometheus-stack-grafana.monitoring.svc.cluster.local
    # Disabling DNS rebinding protection (only Traefik)
    # dahsboard:
    #  enforcedHostRegexp: ".*"
  • Step 3: Install linkerd viz extension helm

    helm install linkerd-viz -n linkerd-viz -f values.yml

    By default, helm chart creates linkerd-viz namespace where all components are deployed.

  • Step 4: Exposing Linkerd Viz dashboard

    Ingress controller rule can be defined to grant access to Viz dashboard.

    Linkerd documentation contains information about how to configure NGINX as Ingress Controller.

    The following Ingress resource, exposes linkerd-viz at, enabling HTTP basic auth:

    kind: Ingress
      name: linkerd-viz-ingress
      namespace: linkerd-viz
        # Enable basic auth basic
        # Secret defined in nginx namespace nginx/basic-auth-secret
        # Linkerd configuration. Configure Service as Upstream "true"
        # Configuring Ingress for linkerd-viz DNS rebind protection
        # $service_name.$namespace.svc.cluster.local:8084 |
          proxy_set_header Origin "";
          proxy_hide_header l5d-remote-ip;
          proxy_hide_header l5d-server-id;
        # Enable cert-manager to create automatically the SSL certificate and store in Secret ca-issuer
      ingressClassName: nginx
        - hosts:
          secretName: linkerd-viz-tls
        - host:
              - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: web
                      number: 8084  
  • Step 5: Configure Prometheus to scrape metrics from linkerd

    Create linkerd-prometheus.yml

    kind: PodMonitor
        app: linkerd
        release: kube-prometheus-stack
      name: linkerd-controller
      namespace: monitoring
          - linkerd-viz
          - linkerd
        matchLabels: {}
        - relabelings:
          - sourceLabels:
            - __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name
            action: keep
            regex: admin-http
          - sourceLabels:
            - __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
            action: replace
            targetLabel: component
          # Replace job value
          - sourceLabels:
            - __address__
            action: replace
            targetLabel: job
            replacement: linkerd-controller
    kind: PodMonitor
        app: linkerd
        release: kube-prometheus-stack
      name: linkerd-service-mirror
      namespace: monitoring
        any: true
        matchLabels: {}
        - relabelings:
          - sourceLabels:
            - __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_linkerd_io_control_plane_component
            - __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name
            action: keep
            regex: linkerd-service-mirror;admin-http$
          - sourceLabels:
            - __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
            action: replace
            targetLabel: component
          # Replace job value
          - source_labels:
            - __address__
            action: replace
            targetLabel: job
            replacement: linkerd-service-mirror
    kind: PodMonitor
        app: linkerd
        release: kube-prometheus-stack
      name: linkerd-proxy
      namespace: monitoring
        any: true
        matchLabels: {}
          - sourceLabels:
            - __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
            - __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name
            - __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_linkerd_io_control_plane_ns
            action: keep
            regex: ^linkerd-proxy;linkerd-admin;linkerd$
          - sourceLabels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
            action: replace
            targetLabel: namespace
          - sourceLabels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
            action: replace
            targetLabel: pod
          - sourceLabels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_linkerd_io_proxy_job]
            action: replace
            targetLabel: k8s_job
          - action: labeldrop
            regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_linkerd_io_proxy_job
          - action: labelmap
            regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_linkerd_io_proxy_(.+)
          - action: labeldrop
            regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_linkerd_io_proxy_(.+)
          - action: labelmap
            regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_linkerd_io_(.+)
          - action: labelmap
            regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
            replacement: __tmp_pod_label_$1
          - action: labelmap
            regex: __tmp_pod_label_linkerd_io_(.+)
            replacement:  __tmp_pod_label_$1
          - action: labeldrop
            regex: __tmp_pod_label_linkerd_io_(.+)
          - action: labelmap
            regex: __tmp_pod_label_(.+)
          # Replace job value
          - sourceLabels:
            - __address__
            action: replace
            targetLabel: job
            replacement: linkerd-proxy

    Apply manifest file

    kubectl apply -f linkerd-prometheus.yml
  • Step 6: Load linkerd dashboards into Grafana

    Linkerd available Grafana dashboards are located in linkerd2 repository: linkerd grafana dashboards

    Follow “Provision dashboards automatically” procedure to load Grafana dashboards automatically.

Linkerd jaeger extension installation

Linkerd-jaeger extension is needed to configure linkerd to emit span traces from linkerd-proxies.

Linkerd jaegger extension, by default, installs Jaeger, as traces backend, OpenTelemetry collector, to collect and distribute traces to Jaeger backend and Jaegger-injector, responsible for configuring the Linkerd proxies to emit spans.

As part of the Pi Cluster - Observability platform, Tempo is used as tracing backend, instead of Jaeger. See Tempo installation documentation.

Tempo’s distributor component has embedded an OpenTelemetry collector. So neither Jaeger nor the collector are needed, only jaeger-injector is going to be installed.

  • Step 1. Prepare linked-jaeger-values.yml

      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      collectorSvcAddr: tempo-distributor.tracing:55678
      collectorSvcAccount: tempo

    This configuration disables Jaeger and OTel Collector installation and configures jaeger-injector to send traces span to tempo-distributor component using OpenCensus receiver (port 55678)

    webhook.collectorSvcAddr is OpenCensus endpoint distributor receiver webhook.collectorSvcAccount is service account name used by Tempo.

  • Step 2. Install jaeger-extensiong helm chart

    helm install linkerd-jaeger -n linkerd-jaeger --create-namespace linkerd/linkerd-jaeger -f linkerd-jaeger-values.yml

Meshing a service with linkerd

There are two common ways to define a resource as meshed with Linkerd:

  • Explicit: add enabled annotation per resource. Annotated pod deployment is injected with linkerd-proxy.

    Annotation can be added automatically using linkerd command to inject the annotation

    kubectl get -n NAMESPACE deploy/daemonset/statefulset -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -

    This command takes all deployments resoureces from NAMESPACE and inject the annotation, so linkerd can inject linkerd-proxy automatically

    Alternative the deployment/daemonset/statefulset can be manually annotated through the kubectl patch command:

    kubectl patch deployment/daemonset/stateful <name> "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"\":\"enabled\"}}}}}"

    In both cases deployemnt/daemonset/stateful are redeploy after applying the command.

  • Implicit: add enabled annotation for a namespace. Any new pod created within the namespace is automatically injected with linkerd-proxy.

    Using kubectl:

    kubectl annotate ns <namespace_name>

    Through manifest file during namespace creation or patching the resource.

    kind: Namespace
    apiVersion: v1
      name: test
      annotations: enabled

Problems with Kuberentes Jobs and implicit annotation

With enabled annotation at namespace level, Kubernetes Jobs do not terminate after completion since the Pods created are injected with linkerd-proxy and it continues to run after the job container completes its work.

That behaviour might cause errors during helm chart installation that deploy Jobs or during executions of scheduled CronJobs.

As stated in this ITNEXT blog post there are different ways to handle this issue, both of them requires to modify Job template definition:

1) Do not mesh the Jobs resources

Adding disabled annotation to job template definition.


2) Shuting down linkerd-proxy as part of the Job execution.

This can be done using linkerd-await as wrapper of the main job command. linkerd-await waits till linkerd-proxy is ready then executes the main job command and, when it finishes, it calls the linkerd-proxy /shutdown endpoint.

  linked-await --shutdown option <job_commad>

See details of implementation of this second workarround previously mentioned ITNEXT blog post

Meshing cluster services


Implicit annotation at namespace cannot be used since Longhorn create several kubernetes workloads (daemonsets, deployments and jobs) that cannot be annotated through customization of the helm chart.

Only the DaemonSet longhorn-manager is customizable via the Helm chart, but the workloads managed by longhorn-manager (e.g. instance managers and jobs) are not. There is an longhorn’s open feature request asking for this kind of functionality.

In order to not impact on the performance of Longhorn data plane, implicit annotation at namespace level should be avoided. lonhorn-enine and longhorn-replica, data plane components shoud not be meshed with linkerd so mTLS connection does not implact on read/write operations.

So we will try to limit the meshing to Longhorn control-plane components (longhorn-manager including its csi plugin ) and UI component (longhorn-ui)

Trying to apply the explicit annotation at namespace level or only explicit annotation for longhorn-manager daemon set (only available at Helm Chart configuration) causes Longhorn deployment to fail. See picluster-issue #47.

One of the main problems is that longhorn-manager, is not accepting connections coming from localhost, only connections coming to the assigned IP address. When deploying linkerd-proxy as its sidecar, all connections received to its API endpoint are rejected because linkerd-proxy is using as destination IP-address when routing all the incoming traffic to the container.

There is a longhorn open issue with a similar problem when trying to mesh with Istio. As a workarround it is proposed to change longhorn-manager POD_IP environment variable.

longhorn-manager container open the listening port on the IP get form POD_IP environment variable which points to the assigned ip to the POD. See daemonset definition:

- name: POD_IP
      fieldPath: status.podIP

This environment variable can be changed using on an already deployed daemon set using the command kubectl set env or can be patched during installation of Helm Chart using its post-rendering feature with kustomize:

  • kubectl set env procedure described in [this comment of issue #47]:(
  • helm+kustomize procedure described in [this comment of issue #47]: (

Applying patching procedure on installation time (helm+kustomize procedure) still produces the error that Longhorn is not completely deployed (CSI driver is not deployed). See the analysis and the root cause identified in issue #47 and the correponding bug submitted to longhorn project.

So the only way to meshing longhorn-manager component is to wait till Longhorn is completely deployed and inject linkerd-proxy using explicit annotation afterwards:

  • Deploy Lonhgorn using Helm.

  • Wait till it is completely deployed.

  • Meshing longhorn-manager daemonset

    1) Change environment variable (POD_IP) to make the container listen to localhost connetions

      kubectl set env daemonset/longhorn-manager -n longhorn-system POD_IP=

    2) Annotate daemonset to deploy linkerd sidecar

      kubectl patch daemonset longhorn-manager "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"\":\"enabled\"}}}}}" -n longhorn-system
  • Meshing longhorn-ui deployment

    Annotate daemonset to deploy linkerd sidecar

    kubectl patch deployment longhorn-ui "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"\":\"enabled\"}}}}}" -n longhorn-system

Prometheus Stack

For applying linkerd service mesh to Prometheus-stack services, implicit annotation at namespace level can be used before deploying kube-prometheys-stack chart.

When deploying kube-prometheus-stack helm using an annotated namespace ( enabled), causes the Prometheus Operartor to hung.

Job pod pod/kube-prometheus-stack-admission-create-<randomAlphanumericString> is created and its status is always NotReady since the linkerd-proxy continues to run after the job container ends so the Job Pod never ends.

See linkerd Prometheus Operator issue.

To solve this issue linkerd injection must be disabled in the associated jobs created by Prometheus Operator. This can be achieved adding the following parameters to values.yml file of kube-prometheus-stack helm chart.

      podAnnotations: disabled

Modify Prometheus installation procedure to annotate the corresponding namespace before deploying the helm chart and use the modified values.yml file.

kubectl annotate ns monitoring


For applying linkerd service mesh to EFK services, it is enough to use the implicit annotation at namespace level before deploying ECK Operator and create Kibana and Elasticsearch service and before deploying fluentbit chart.

Modify EFK installation procedure to annotate the corresponding namespace before deploying the helm charts.

kubectl annotate ns logging

When deploying Elasticsearch and Kibana using the ECK operator, it is needed to specify the parameter automountServiceAccountToken: true, otherwise the linkerd-proxy is not injected.

The following configuration need to be added to Elastic and Kibana resources

    automountServiceAccountToken: true

For details about how to integrate with linkerd Elastic stack components using ECK operator, see ECK-linkerd document.


For applying linkerd service mesh to Velero services, implicit annotation is used for velero deployment and restic daemonset.

This annotation can be automatic applied when installing Velero’s helm chart using the parameter podAnnnotations. This can be achieved adding the following parameters to values.yml file of velero helm chart.

podAnnotations: enabled

Configure Ingress Controller

Linkerd does not come with a Ingress Controller. Existing ingress controller can be integrated with Linkerd doing the following:

  • Configuring Ingress Controller to support Linkerd.
  • Meshing Ingress Controller pods so that they have the Linkerd proxy installed.

Linkerd can be used with any ingress controller. In order for Linkerd to properly apply features such as route-based metrics and traffic splitting, Linkerd needs the IP/port of the Kubernetes Service as the traffic destination. However, by default, many ingresses, like Traefik or NGINX, do their own load balance and endpoint selection when forwarding HTTP traffic pass the IP/port of the destination Pod, rather than the Service as a whole.

In order to enable linkerd implementation of load balancing at HTTP request level, Ingress Contoroller load balancing mechanism must be skipped.

More details in linkerd documentation “Ingress Traffic”.

Meshing Traefik

In order to integrate Traefik with Linkerd the following must be done:

  1. Traefik must be meshed with ingress mode enabled, i.e. with the ingress annotation rather than the default enabled.

    Executing the following command Traefik deployment is injected with linkerd-proxy in ingress mode:

    kubectl get deployment traefik -o yaml -n kube-system | linkerd inject --ingress - | kubectl apply -f -

    Since Traefik needs to talk to Kubernetes API using HTTPS standard port (to impliments its own routing and load balancing mechanism), this mode of execution breaks Traefik unless outbound communications using port 443 skips the linkerd-proxy.

    For making Traefik still working with its own loadbalancing/routing mechanism the following command need to be executed.

    kubectl get deployment traefik -o yaml -n kube-system | linkerd inject --ingress --skip-outbound-ports 443 - | kubectl apply -f - 

    See Linkerd discussion #7387 for further details about this issue.

    Alternative, Traefik helm chart can be configured so the deployed pod contains the required linkerd annotations to enable the ingress mode and skip port 443. The following additional values must be provided

       podAnnotations: ingress "443"

    Traefik is a K3S embedded components that is auto-deployed using Helm. In order to configure Helm chart configuration parameters the official document must be followed. See how to do it in Traefik configuration documentation

  2. Replace Traefik routing and load-balancing mechanism by linkerd-proxy routing and load balancing mechanism.

    Configure Ingress resources to use a Traefik’s Middleware inserting a specific header, l5d-dst-override pointing to the Service IP/Port (using internal DNS name: <service-name>.<namespace-name>.svc.cluster.local

    Linkerd-proxy configured in ingress mode will take ld5-dst-override HTTP header for routing the traffic to the service.

    When an HTTP (not HTTPS) request is received by a Linkerd proxy, the destination service of that request is identified.

    The destination service for a request is computed by selecting the value of the first HTTP header to exist of, l5d-dst-override, :authority, and Host. The port component, if included and including the colon, is stripped. That value is mapped to the fully qualified DNS name.

    Per ingress resource do the following:

    • Step 1: Create Middleware routing for providing l5d-dst-override HTTP header

       kind: Middleware
         name: l5d-header-middleware
         namespace: my-namespace
             l5d-dst-override: ""
    • Step 2: Add traefik Middleware in Ingress configuration

      Through annotation in Ingress resource.

      kind: Ingress
        name: my-ingress
        namespace: my-namespace


      Or within middlewares key in IngressRoute definition

      kind: IngressRoute
        name: my-ingress-route
        namespace: my-namespace
        - kind: Rule
          match: Host(`mydomain`)
          - name: my-service
            port: 8080
            namespace: my-namespace
            - name: l5d-header-middleware
              namespace: my-namespace

Meshing Ingress NGINX

Meshing Ingress NGINX is simpler. It can be meshed normally, it does not require the ingress mode annotation.

In order to integrate NGIN with Linkerd the following must be done:

  1. Ingress NGINX must be meshed. Meshing Ingress NGINX is simpler than Traefik. It can be meshed normally using enabled annotation, it does not require the ingress mode annotation ( ingress) like Traefik

If using the ingress-nginx Helm chart, note that the namespace containing the ingress controller should NOT be annotated with enabled. Instead, only Deployment resource need to be annotated. The reason is because this Helm chart defines (among other things) other Kubernetes resources (short-lived pod) that cannot be meshed.

The following values.yml file need to be provided to ingress-nginx helm chart, so ingress-nginx is meshed.

  podAnnotations: enabled
  1. Replace NGINX routing and load-balancing mechanism by linkerd-proxy routing and load balancing mechanism.

Ingress resources need to be annotated with "true". By default the Ingress-Nginx Controller uses a list of all endpoints (Pod IP/port) in the NGINX upstream configuration. The annotation disables that behavior and instead uses a single upstream in NGINX, the service’s Cluster IP and port.

kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
  namespace: my-namespace
  annotations: "true"


Last Update: May 01, 2024
