Kubernetes commands

Kubectl Commands

  • List PODs running on an specific node

    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --field-selector spec.nodeName=<node_name>
  • List Taints of all nodes

    kubectl describe nodes | grep Taint
  • Restart pod

    kubectl rollout restart daemonset/deployment/statefulset <daemonset/deployment/statefulset>
  • Get logs from a pod

    kubectl logs <pod_name> <container_name> -n <namespace> 
  • Connect to a container

    kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -c <container_name> -n <namespace> -- /bin/bash
  • Service port forwarding

    kubectl port-forward svc/[service-name] -n [namespace] [external-port]:[internal-port] --addess

    Port forwarding from binding service service-name listening on internal_port to

  • Getting nodes memory/cpu usage

    kubectl top nodes
  • Getting top pods sort by cpu

    kubectl top pods -A --sort-by='cpu'
  • Getting top pods sort by memory

    kubectl top pods -A --sort-by='memory'

How to run curl in Kubernetes (for troubleshooting)

Run curl commands against any POD or service endpoint, running a new pod containing using a utility image containing curl command.

Example use official curl docker image which support multiarch (amd64 and arm64)

kubectl run -it --rm --image=curlimages/curl curly -- sh

Patching Helm manifest files on the fly using Kustomize

Helm provides the possibility of manipulate, configure, and/or validate rendered manifests before they are installed by Helm: --post-rendering option. This enables the use of kustomize to apply configuration changes without the need to fork a public chart or requiring chart maintainers to specify every last configuration option for a piece of software.

Since v1.14, kubectl includes kustomize support:

kubectl kustomize <kustomization_directory>
kubectl apply -k <kustomization_directory>

Based on procedure described in this post kustomize can be used to apply patches to manifest files generated by Helm before install them.

  • Step 1: Create directory kustomize

    mkdir kustomize
  • Step 2: Create kustomize wrapper script within kustomize directory

    # save incoming YAML to file
    cat <&0 > all.yaml
    # modify the YAML with kustomize
    kubectl kustomize . && rm all.yaml

    The script simply save all incomming manifest files from helm chart to a temporal file all.yaml and then execute kubectl kustomize to the current directory, applying kustomize transformations, and finally remove the temporal file

  • Step 3: Create kutomize files. In this example, a environment variable (POD_IP) within DaemonSet longhorn-manager will be patched with a new value.


    apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: Kustomization
      - all.yaml
      - path: patch.yaml
          kind: DaemonSet
          name: "longhorn-manager"

    This file indicates to patch DaemonSet longhorn-manager within all.yml file using patch.yaml


    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: DaemonSet
      name: longhorn-manager
            - name: longhorn-manager # (1)
                - name: POD_IP

    NOTE: It is needed to set null to key valueFrom in order to delete previous value.

    • Step 3: Execute dry-run of helm install to see the changes in the manifests files

      helm install longhorn longhorn/longhorn -f ../longhorn_values.yml --post-renderer ./kustomize --debug --dry-run
    • Step 4: Deploy the helm

      helm install longhorn longhorn/longhorn -f ../longhorn_values.yml --post-renderer ./kustomize --namespace longhorn-system

Move pods from one node to another

In case one pods need to be executed in other node, maybe because it is pushig the node to its limits in terms of resources and there is another node less used.

The procedure is the following:

  • Step 1: Get information about the node where the pod is running

    kubectl get pod <pod-name> -n <namespace> -o wide
  • Step 2: Cordon the node where the pod is currently running, so Kubernetes scheduler cannot use it to schedule new PODs

    kubectl cordon <node>
  • Step 3: Delete POD. It is assumed that POD is controlled by a replica set or statefulset so after deleting it, Kubernetes will reschedule it automatically in any node which is not cordoned

    kubectl delete pod <pod> -n <namespace>
  • Step 4: Check the POD is started in another node

  • Step 5: Uncordon the node, so it can be used again to schedule pods.

    kubectl uncordon <node>

Last Update: Apr 03, 2022
