Log collection and distribution (Fluentbit/Fluentd)
A Forwarder/Aggregator log architecture will be implemented in the Kubernetes cluster with Fluentbit and Fluentd.
Both fluentbit and fluentd can be deployed as forwarder and/or aggregator.
The differences between fluentbit and fluentd can be found in Fluentbit documentation: “Fluentd & Fluent Bit”.
Main differences are:
Memory footprint: Fluentbit is a lightweight version of fluentd (just 640 KB memory)
Number of plugins (input, output, filters connectors): Fluentd has more plugins available, but those plugins need to be installed as gem libraries. Fluentbit’s plugins do not need to be installed.
In this deployment fluentbit is installed as forwarder (plugins available are enough for collecting and parsing kubernetes logs and host logs) and fluentd as aggregator to leverage the bigger number of plugins available.
Fluentd Aggregator installation
Fluentd is deploy as log aggregator, collecting all logs forwarded by Fluentbit agent and using ES as backend for routing all logs.
Fluentd will be deployed as Kubernetes Deployment (not a daemonset), enabling multiple PODs service replicas, so it can be accesible by Fluentbit pods.
Customized fluentd image
Fluentd official images do not contain any of the plugins (elasticsearch, prometheus monitoring, etc.) that are needed.
There are also available fluentd images for kubernetes, but they are customized to parse kubernetes logs (deploy fluentd as forwarder and not as aggregator) and there is one image per output plugin (one for elasticsearch, one for kafka, etc.)
Since in the future I might configure the aggregator to dispath logs to another source (i.e Kafka for building a analytics Data Pipeline), I have decided to build a customized fluentd image with just the plugins I need, and containing default configuration to deploy fluentd as aggregator.
fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset images should work for deploying fluentd as Deployment. For outputing to the ES you just need to select the adequate fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset image tag.
As alternative, you can create your own customized docker image or use mine. You can find it in ricsanfre/fluentd-aggregator github repository. The multi-architecture (amd64/arm64) image is available in docker hub:
As base image, the official fluentd docker image can be used. To customize it, follow the instructions in the project repository: “Customizing the image to intall additional plugins”.
In our case, the list of plugins that need to be added to the default fluentd image are:
: ES as backend for routing the logs. This plugin supports the creation of index templates and ILM policies associated to them during the process of creating a new index in ES. -
: Enabling prometheus monitoring -
: record_modifier filter faster and lightweight than embedded transform_record filter. -
: enabling Loki as destination for routing the logs
Additionally default fluentd config can be added to the customized docker image, so fluentd can be configured as log aggregator, collecting logs from forwarders (fluentbit/fluentd) and routing all logs to elasticsearch.
This fluentd configuration in the docker image can be overwritten when deploying the container in kubernetes, using a ConfigMap mounted as a volume, or when running with docker run
, using a bind mount. In both cases the target volume to be mounted is where fluentd expects the configuration files (/fluentd/etc
in the official images).
plugin configuration requires to set a specific sniffer class for implementing reconnection logic to ES(sniffer_class_name Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchSimpleSniffer
). See plugin documentation fluent-plugin-elasticsearh: Sniffer Class Name.
The path to the sniffer class need to be passed as parameter to fluentd
command (-r option), otherwise the fluentd command will give an error
Docker’s entrypoint.sh
in the customized image has to be updated to automatically provide the path to the sniffer class.
# First step looking for the sniffer ruby class within the plugin
SIMPLE_SNIFFER=$( gem contents fluent-plugin-elasticsearch | grep elasticsearch_simple_sniffer.rb )
# Execute fluentd command with -r option for loading the required ruby class
Customized image Dockerfile could look like this:
ARG BASE_IMAGE=fluent/fluentd:v1.17.1-debian-1.0
## 1- Update base image installing fluent plugins. Executing commands `gem install <plugin_name>`
# Use root account to use apk
USER root
RUN buildDeps="sudo make gcc g++ libc-dev" \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends $buildDeps \
&& sudo gem install fluent-plugin-elasticsearch -v '~> 5.4.3' \
&& sudo gem install fluent-plugin-prometheus -v '~> 2.2' \
&& sudo gem install fluent-plugin-record-modifier -v '~> 2.2'\
&& sudo gem install fluent-plugin-grafana-loki -v '~> 1.2'\
&& sudo gem sources --clear-all \
apt-get purge -y --auto-remove \
-o APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant=false \
$buildDeps \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& rm -rf /tmp/* /var/tmp/* /usr/lib/ruby/gems/*/cache/*.ge
## 2) (Optional) Copy customized fluentd config files (fluentd as aggregator)
COPY ./conf/fluent.conf /fluentd/etc/
COPY ./conf/forwarder.conf /fluentd/etc/
COPY ./conf/prometheus.conf /fluentd/etc/
## 3) Modify entrypoint.sh to configure sniffer class
COPY entrypoint.sh /fluentd/entrypoint.sh
# Environment variables
## 4) Change to fluent user to run fluentd
# Run as fluent user. Do not need to have privileges to access /var/log directory
USER fluent
ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--", "/fluentd/entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["fluentd"]
Deploying fluentd in K3S
Fluentd will not be deployed as privileged daemonset, since it does not need to access to kubernetes logs/APIs. It will be deployed using the following Kubernetes resources:
Certmanager’s Certificate resource: so certmanager can generate automatically a Kubernetes TLS Secret resource containing fluentd’s TLS certificate so secure communications can be enabled between forwarders and aggregator
Kubernetes Secret resource to store a shared secret to enable forwarders authentication when connecting to fluentd
Kubernetes Deployment resource to deploy fluentd as stateless POD. Number of replicas can be set to provide HA to the service
Kubernetes Service resource, Cluster IP type, exposing fluentd endpoints to other PODs/processes: Fluentbit forwarders, Prometheus, etc.
Kubernetes ConfigMap resources containing fluentd config files and ES index templates definitions.
fluentd official helm chart also supports the deployment of fluentd as deployment or statefulset instead of daemonset. In case of deployment, Kubernetes HPA (Horizontal POD Autoscaler) is also supported.
Fluentd aggregator should be deployed in HA, Kubernetes deployment with several replicas. Additionally, Kubernetes HPA (Horizontal POD Autoscaler) should be configured to automatically scale the number of replicas.
The above Kubernetes resources, except TLS certificate and shared secret, are created automatically by the helm chart. I will use the helm chart deployment to ease the installation and maintenace.
Installation procedure
Step 1. Create fluentd TLS certificate to enable secure communications between forwarders and aggregator.
To configure fluentd to use TLS, it is needed the path to the files containing the TLS certificate and private key. The TLS Secret containing the certificate and key can be mounted in fluentd POD in a specific location (/etc/fluent/certs), so fluentd proccess can use them.
Certmanager’s ClusterIssuer
, created during certmanager installation, will be used to generate fluentd’s TLS Secret automatically.Create the Certificate resource:
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1 kind: Certificate metadata: name: fluentd-tls namespace: logging spec: # Secret names are always required. secretName: fluentd-tls duration: 2160h # 90d renewBefore: 360h # 15d commonName: fluentd.picluster.ricsanfre.com isCA: false privateKey: algorithm: ECDSA size: 256 usages: - server auth - client auth dnsNames: - fluentd.picluster.ricsanfre.com isCA: false # ClusterIssuer: ca-issuer. issuerRef: name: ca-issuer kind: ClusterIssuer group: cert-manager.io
Then, Certmanager automatically creates a Secret like this:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: fluentd-tls namespace: logging type: kubernetes.io/tls data: ca.crt: <ca cert content base64 encoded> tls.crt: <tls cert content base64 encoded> tls.key: <private key base64 encoded>
Step 2. Create forward protocol shared key
Generate base64 encoded shared key
echo -n 'supersecret' | base64
Create a Secret
containing the shared keyapiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: fluentd-shared-key namespace: logging type: Opaque data: fluentd-shared-key: <base64 encoded password>
Step 3. Create ConfigMap containing ES index templates definitions
# ES index template for fluentd logs apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: fluentd-template namespace: logging data: fluentd-es-template.json: |- { "index_patterns": ["fluentd-<<TAG>>-*"], "template": { "settings": { "index": { "lifecycle": { "name": "fluentd-policy", "rollover_alias": "fluentd-<<TAG>>" }, "number_of_shards": "<<shard>>", "number_of_replicas": "<<replica>>" } }, "mappings" : { "dynamic_templates" : [ { "message_field" : { "path_match" : "message", "match_mapping_type" : "string", "mapping" : { "type" : "text", "norms" : false } } }, { "string_fields" : { "match" : "*", "match_mapping_type" : "string", "mapping" : { "type" : "text", "norms" : false, "fields" : { "keyword" : { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } } } } ], "properties" : { "@timestamp": { "type": "date" } } } } }
The config map contains dynamic index templates that will be used by fluentd-elasticsearch-plugin configuration.
- Step 4. Add fluent helm repo
helm repo add fluent https://fluent.github.io/helm-charts
- Step 5. Update helm repo
helm repo update
Step 6. Create
for tuning helm chart deployment.fluentd configuration can be provided to the helm. See
Fluentd will be configured with the following helm chart
:--- # Fluentd image image: repository: "ricsanfre/fluentd-aggregator" pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" tag: "v1.17.1-debian-1.0" # Deploy fluentd as deployment kind: "Deployment" # Number of replicas replicaCount: 1 # Enabling HPA autoscaling: enabled: true minReplicas: 1 maxReplicas: 100 targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80 # Do not create serviceAccount and RBAC. Fluentd does not need to get access to kubernetes API. serviceAccount: create: false rbac: create: false # Setting security context. Fluentd is running as non root user securityContext: capabilities: drop: - ALL readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 1000 ## Additional environment variables to set for fluentd pods env: # Elastic operator creates elastic service name with format cluster_name-es-http - name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST value: efk-es-http # Default elasticsearch default port - name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PORT value: "9200" # Elasticsearch user - name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: "es-fluentd-user-file-realm" key: username # Elastic operator stores elastic user password in a secret - name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: "es-fluentd-user-file-realm" key: password - name: FLUENTD_FORWARD_SEC_SHARED_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: fluentd-shared-key key: fluentd-shared-key # Loki url - name: LOKI_URL value: "http://loki-gateway" # Loki username - name: LOKI_USERNAME value: "" # Loki password - name: LOKI_PASSWORD value: "" # Volumes and VolumeMounts (only ES template files and certificates) volumes: - name: fluentd-tls secret: secretName: fluentd-tls - name: etcfluentd-template configMap: name: fluentd-template defaultMode: 0777 volumeMounts: - name: etcfluentd-template mountPath: /etc/fluent/template - mountPath: /etc/fluent/certs name: fluentd-tls readOnly: true # Service. Exporting forwarder port (Metric already exposed by chart) service: type: "ClusterIP" annotations: {} ports: - name: forwarder protocol: TCP containerPort: 24224 ## Fluentd list of plugins to install ## plugins: [] # - fluent-plugin-out-http ## Do not create additional config maps ## configMapConfigs: [] ## Fluentd configurations: ## fileConfigs: 01_sources.conf: |- ## logs from fluentbit forwarders <source> @type forward @label @FORWARD bind "#{ENV['FLUENTD_FORWARD_BIND'] || ''}" port "#{ENV['FLUENTD_FORWARD_PORT'] || '24224'}" # Enabling TLS <transport tls> cert_path /etc/fluent/certs/tls.crt private_key_path /etc/fluent/certs/tls.key </transport> # Enabling access security <security> self_hostname "#{ENV['FLUENTD_FORWARD_SEC_SELFHOSTNAME'] || 'fluentd-aggregator'}" shared_key "#{ENV['FLUENTD_FORWARD_SEC_SHARED_KEY'] || 'sharedkey'}" </security> </source> ## Enable Prometheus end point <source> @type prometheus @id in_prometheus bind "" port 24231 metrics_path "/metrics" </source> <source> @type prometheus_monitor @id in_prometheus_monitor </source> <source> @type prometheus_output_monitor @id in_prometheus_output_monitor </source> 02_filters.conf: |- <label @FORWARD> # Re-route fluentd logs. Discard them <match kube.var.log.containers.fluentd**> @type relabel @label @FLUENT_LOG </match> ## Get kubernetes fields <filter kube.**> @type record_modifier remove_keys kubernetes, __dummy__, __dummy2__ <record> __dummy__ ${ p = record["kubernetes"]["labels"]["app"]; p.nil? ? p : record['app'] = p; } __dummy2__ ${ p = record["kubernetes"]["labels"]["app.kubernetes.io/name"]; p.nil? ? p : record['app'] = p; } namespace ${ record.dig("kubernetes","namespace_name") } pod ${ record.dig("kubernetes", "pod_name") } container ${ record.dig("kubernetes", "container_name") } host ${ record.dig("kubernetes", "host")} </record> </filter> <match **> @type relabel @label @DISPATCH </match> </label> 03_dispatch.conf: |- <label @DISPATCH> # Calculate prometheus metrics <filter **> @type prometheus <metric> name fluentd_input_status_num_records_total type counter desc The total number of incoming records <labels> tag ${tag} hostname ${host} </labels> </metric> </filter> # Copy log stream to different outputs <match **> @type copy <store> @type relabel @label @OUTPUT_ES </store> <store> @type relabel @label @OUTPUT_LOKI </store> </match> </label> 04_outputs.conf: |- <label @OUTPUT_ES> # Setup index name index based on namespace and container <filter kube.**> @type record_transformer enable_ruby <record> index_app_name ${record['namespace'] + '.' + record['container']} </record> </filter> <filter host.**> @type record_transformer enable_ruby <record> index_app_name "host" </record> </filter> # Send received logs to elasticsearch <match **> @type elasticsearch @id out_es @log_level info include_tag_key true host "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST']}" port "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PORT']}" scheme http user "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_USER'] || use_default}" password "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD'] || use_default}" # Reload and reconnect options reconnect_on_error true reload_on_failure true reload_connections false # HTTP request timeout request_timeout 15s # Log ES HTTP API errors log_es_400_reason true # avoid 7.x errors suppress_type_name true # setting sniffer class sniffer_class_name Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchSimpleSniffer # Do not use logstash format logstash_format false # Setting index_name index_name fluentd-${index_app_name} # specifying time key time_key time # including @timestamp field include_timestamp true # ILM Settings - WITH ROLLOVER support # https://github.com/uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch/blob/master/README.Troubleshooting.md#enable-index-lifecycle-management # application_name ${index_app_name} index_date_pattern "" enable_ilm true ilm_policy_id fluentd-policy ilm_policy {"policy":{"phases":{"hot":{"min_age":"0ms","actions":{"rollover":{"max_size":"10gb","max_age":"7d"}}},"warm":{"min_age":"2d","actions":{"shrink":{"number_of_shards":1},"forcemerge":{"max_num_segments":1}}},"delete":{"min_age":"7d","actions":{"delete":{"delete_searchable_snapshot":true}}}}}} ilm_policy_overwrite true # index template use_legacy_template false template_overwrite true template_name fluentd-${index_app_name} template_file "/etc/fluent/template/fluentd-es-template.json" customize_template {"<<shard>>": "1","<<replica>>": "0", "<<TAG>>":"${index_app_name}"} remove_keys idex_app_name <buffer tag, index_app_name> flush_thread_count "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_FLUSH_THREAD_COUNT'] || '8'}" flush_interval "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_FLUSH_INTERVAL'] || '5s'}" chunk_limit_size "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_CHUNK_LIMIT_SIZE'] || '2M'}" queue_limit_length "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_QUEUE_LIMIT_LENGTH'] || '32'}" retry_max_interval "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_RETRY_MAX_INTERVAL'] || '30'}" retry_forever true </buffer> </match> </label> <label @OUTPUT_LOKI> # Rename log_proccessed to message <filter kube.**> @type record_modifier remove_keys __dummy__, log_processed <record> __dummy__ ${if record.has_key?('log_processed'); record['message'] = record['log_processed']; end; nil} </record> </filter> # Send received logs to Loki <match **> @type loki @id out_loki @log_level info url "#{ENV['LOKI_URL']}" username "#{ENV['LOKI_USERNAME'] || use_default}" password "#{ENV['LOKI_PASSWORDD'] || use_default}" extra_labels {"job": "fluentd"} line_format json <label> app container pod namespace host filename </label> <buffer> flush_thread_count 8 flush_interval 5s chunk_limit_size 2M queue_limit_length 32 retry_max_interval 30 retry_forever true </buffer> </match> </label>
- Step 6. Install chart
helm install fluentd fluent/fluentd -f values.yml --namespace logging
Step 7: create a Service resource to expose only fluentd forward endpoint outside the cluster (LoadBalancer service type)
Helm chart creates a Service resource (ClusterIP) exposing all ports (forward and metrics ports). Outide the cluster only forward port should be available.
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: labels: app: fluentd name: fluentd-ext namespace: logging spec: ports: - name: forward-ext port: 24224 protocol: TCP targetPort: 24224 selector: app.kubernetes.io/instance: fluentd app.kubernetes.io/name: fluentd sessionAffinity: None type: LoadBalancer loadBalancerIP:
Fluentd forward service will be available in port 24224 and IP (IP belonging to MetalLB addresses pool). This IP address should be mapped to a DNS record,
, ingateway
dnsmasq configuration. - Step 8: Check fluentd status
kubectl get all -l app.kubernetes.io/name=fluentd -n logging
Fluentd chart configuration details
The Helm chart deploy fluentd as a Deployment, passing environment values to the pod and mounting as volumes different ConfigMaps. These ConfigMaps contain the fluentd configuration files and TLS secret used in forward protocol (communication with the fluentbit forwarders).
Fluentd deployed as Deployment
# Fluentd image
repository: "ricsanfre/fluentd-aggregator"
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
tag: "v1.17.1-debian-1.0"
# Deploy fluentd as deployment
kind: "Deployment"
# Number of replicas
replicaCount: 1
# Enabling HPA
enabled: true
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 100
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80
# Do not create serviceAccount and RBAC. Fluentd does not need to get access to kubernetes API.
create: false
create: false
# Setting security context. Fluentd is running as non root user
readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 1000
Fluentd is deployed as Deployment (kind: "Deployment"
) with 1 replica (replicaCount: 1
, using custom fluentd image (image.repository: "ricsanfre/fluentd-aggregator
and image.tag
Service account (serviceAccount.create: false
) and corresponding RoleBinding (rbac.create: false
) are not created since fluentd aggregator does not need to access to Kubernetes API.
Security context for the pod (securityContext
), since it is running using a non-root user.
HPA autoscaling is also configured (autoscaling.enabling: true
Fluentd container environment variables.
## Additional environment variables to set for fluentd pods
# Elastic operator creates elastic service name with format cluster_name-es-http
value: efk-es-http
# Default elasticsearch default port
value: "9200"
# Elasticsearch user
value: "elastic"
# Elastic operator stores elastic user password in a secret
name: "efk-es-elastic-user"
key: elastic
# Fluentd forward security
name: fluentd-shared-key
key: fluentd-shared-key
# Loki url
- name: LOKI_URL
value: "http://loki-gateway"
# Loki username
value: ""
# Loki password
value: ""
fluentd docker image and configuration files use the following environment variables:
Path to main fluentd config file (
) pointing at/etc/fluent/fluent.conf
environment variable is used by docker image to load main config file from/fluentd/conf/${FLUEND_CONF}
. A relative path from/fluentd/conf/
directory need to be provided to match environment variable definition in the docker image. -
Elasticsearch output plugin configuration:
ES connection details (
): elasticsearch kubernetes service (efk-es-http
) and ES port. -
ES access credentials (
): elastic user password obtained from the corresponding Secret (efk-es-elastic-user
created during ES installation)
Loki output plugin configuration
- Loki connection details (
). URL of the gateway component:loki-gateway
service installed in the same namespace (logging
). - Loki authentication credentials (
). By default authentication is not configured in loki-gateway, so this credentials can be null.
- Loki connection details (
Forwarder input plugin configuration:
- Shared key used for authentication(
), loading the content of the secret generated in step 2 of installation procedure:fluentd-shared-key
- Shared key used for authentication(
Fluentd POD additional volumes and volume mounts
By default helm chart defines volume mounts needed for storing fluentd config files
Additionally volumes for ES templates and TLS certificates need to be configure and container logs directories volumes should be not mounted (fluentd is not reading container logs files).
# Do not mount logs directories
mountVarLogDirectory: false
mountDockerContainersDirectory: false
# Volumes and VolumeMounts (only ES template files and TLS certificates)
- name: etcfluentd-template
name: fluentd-template
defaultMode: 0777
- name: fluentd-tls
secretName: fluentd-tls
- name: etcfluentd-template
mountPath: /etc/fluent/template
- mountPath: /etc/fluent/certs
name: fluentd-tls
readOnly: true
ConfigMaps created by the helm chart are mounted in the fluentd container:
, created by default by helm chart, containing fluentd main config file (fluent.conf
), is mounted as/etc/fluent
volume. -
, created by default by helm chart, containing fluentd config files included by main config file is mounted as/etc/fluent/config.d
, containing ES index templates used by fluentd-elasticsearch-plugin, mounted as/etc/fluent/template
. This configMap is generated in step 3 of the installation procedure.
Additional Secret, contining fluentd TLS certificate and key is also mounted:
- Secret
, generated in step 1 of the installation procedure, containing fluentd certificate and key TLS Secret containing fluentd’s certificate and private key, is mounted as/etc/fluent/certs
Fluentd Service and other configurations
# Service. Exporting forwarder port (Metric already exposed by chart)
type: "ClusterIP"
annotations: {}
- name: forwarder
protocol: TCP
containerPort: 24224
## Fluentd list of plugins to install
plugins: []
# - fluent-plugin-out-http
## Do not create additional config maps
configMapConfigs: []
Fluetd service is configured as ClusterIP, exposing forwarder
port (By default Helm chart also exposes prometheus /metrics
endpoint in port 24231 ).
The helm chart can be also configured to install fluentd plugins on start-up (plugins
) and to load aditional fluentd config directories configMapConfigs
Set configMapConfigs to null to avoid loading default configMaps created by the Helm chart containing systemd input plugin configuration and prometheus default config.
Fluentd configuration files
Fluentd main config file (fluent.conf
) is loaded into a Kubernetes ConfigMap(fluentd-main
) that will be mounted as /etc/fluent.conf
within the fluentd pod.
The content created by default by the helm chart is the following:
# do not collect fluentd logs to avoid infinite loops.
<label @FLUENT_LOG>
<match **>
@type null
@id ignore_fluent_logs
@include config.d/*.conf
Default configuration only contains a rule for discarding fluentd own logs (labeled as @FLUENT_LOG) and includes the configuration of all files located in /etc/fluent/config.d
directory. All files contained in that directory are stored in another ConfigMap (fluentd-config
It is not needed to change the default content of the fluent.conf
created by Helm Chart.
ConfigMap is configured with the content loaded in fileConfigs
helm Chart value.
Sources (input plugins) configuration:
## logs from fluentbit forwarders <source> @type forward @label @FORWARD bind "#{ENV['FLUENTD_FORWARD_BIND'] || ''}" port "#{ENV['FLUENTD_FORWARD_PORT'] || '24224'}" # Enabling TLS <transport tls> cert_path /etc/fluent/certs/tls.crt private_key_path /etc/fluent/certs/tls.key </transport> # Enabling access security <security> self_hostname "#{ENV['FLUENTD_FORWARD_SEC_SELFHOSTNAME'] || 'fluentd-aggregator'}" shared_key "#{ENV['FLUENTD_FORWARD_SEC_SHARED_KEY'] || 'sharedkey'}" </security> </source> ## Enable Prometheus end point <source> @type prometheus @id in_prometheus bind "" port 24231 metrics_path "/metrics" </source> <source> @type prometheus_monitor @id in_prometheus_monitor </source> <source> @type prometheus_output_monitor @id in_prometheus_output_monitor </source>
With this configuration, fluentd:
collects logs from forwarders (port 24224) configuring forward input plugin. TLS and authentication is configured.
enables Prometheus metrics exposure (port 24231) configuring prometheus input plugin. Complete list of configuration parameters in fluent-plugin-prometheus repository
labels (
) all coming records from fluent-bit forwarders to perform further processing and routing.
Filters configuration:
<label @FORWARD> # Re-route fluentd logs <match kube.var.log.containers.fluentd**> @type relabel @label @FLUENT_LOG </match> ## Get kubernetes fields <filter kube.**> @type record_modifier remove_keys kubernetes, __dummy__, __dummy2__ <record> __dummy__ ${ p = record["kubernetes"]["labels"]["app"]; p.nil? ? p : record['app'] = p; } __dummy2__ ${ p = record["kubernetes"]["labels"]["app.kubernetes.io/name"]; p.nil? ? p : record['app'] = p; } namespace ${ record.dig("kubernetes","namespace_name") } pod ${ record.dig("kubernetes", "pod_name") } container ${ record.dig("kubernetes", "container_name") } node_name ${ record.dig("kubernetes", "host")} </record> </filter> <match **> @type relabel @label @DISPATCH </match> </label>
With this configuration, fluentd:
relabels (
) logs coming from fluentd itself to reroute them (discard them). -
extract kubernetes metadata (
field added by fluentbit kubernetes filter) and add new fields:app
. Removekubernetes
object from the log. -
relabels (
)the rest of logs to be dispatched to the outputs
Dispatch configuration
<label @DISPATCH> # Calculate prometheus metrics <filter **> @type prometheus <metric> name fluentd_input_status_num_records_total type counter desc The total number of incoming records <labels> tag ${tag} hostname ${hostname} </labels> </metric> </filter> # Copy log stream to different outputs <match **> @type copy <store> @type relabel @label @OUTPUT_ES </store> <store> @type relabel @label @OUTPUT_LOKI </store> </match> </label>
With this configuration, fluentd:
counts per tag and hostname, incoming records to provide the corresponding prometheus metric
copy log stream to route to two differents outputs (ES and Loki)
Ouptut plugin configuration
<label @OUTPUT_ES> # Setup index name. Index per namespace or per container <filter kube.**> @type record_transformer enable_ruby <record> # index_app_name ${record['namespace'] + '.' + record['container']} index_app_name ${record['namespace']} </record> </filter> <filter host.**> @type record_transformer enable_ruby <record> index_app_name "host" </record> </filter> # Send received logs to elasticsearch <match **> @type elasticsearch @id out_es @log_level info include_tag_key true host "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST']}" port "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PORT']}" scheme http user "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_USER'] || use_default}" password "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD'] || use_default}" # Reload and reconnect options reconnect_on_error true reload_on_failure true reload_connections false # HTTP request timeout request_timeout 15s # Log ES HTTP API errors log_es_400_reason true # avoid 7.x errors suppress_type_name true # setting sniffer class sniffer_class_name Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchSimpleSniffer # Do not use logstash format logstash_format false # Setting index_name index_name fluentd-${index_app_name} # specifying time key time_key time # including @timestamp field include_timestamp true # ILM Settings - WITH ROLLOVER support # https://github.com/uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch/blob/master/README.Troubleshooting.md#enable-index-lifecycle-management # application_name ${index_app_name} index_date_pattern "" enable_ilm true ilm_policy_id fluentd-policy ilm_policy {"policy":{"phases":{"hot":{"min_age":"0ms","actions":{"rollover":{"max_size":"10gb","max_age":"7d"}}},"warm":{"min_age":"2d","actions":{"shrink":{"number_of_shards":1},"forcemerge":{"max_num_segments":1}}},"delete":{"min_age":"7d","actions":{"delete":{"delete_searchable_snapshot":true}}}}}} ilm_policy_overwrite true # index template use_legacy_template false template_overwrite true template_name fluentd-${index_app_name} template_file "/etc/fluent/template/fluentd-es-template.json" customize_template {"<<shard>>": "1","<<replica>>": "0", "<<TAG>>":"${index_app_name}"} remove_keys idex_app_name <buffer tag, index_app_name> flush_thread_count "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_FLUSH_THREAD_COUNT'] || '8'}" flush_interval "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_FLUSH_INTERVAL'] || '5s'}" chunk_limit_size "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_CHUNK_LIMIT_SIZE'] || '2M'}" queue_limit_length "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_QUEUE_LIMIT_LENGTH'] || '32'}" retry_max_interval "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_RETRY_MAX_INTERVAL'] || '30'}" retry_forever true </buffer> </match> </label> <label @OUTPUT_LOKI> # Rename log_proccessed to message <filter kube.**> @type record_modifier remove_keys __dummy__, log_processed <record> __dummy__ ${if record.has_key?('log_processed'); record['message'] = record['log_processed']; end; nil} </record> </filter> <match **> @type loki @id out_loki_kube @log_level info url "#{ENV['LOKI_URL']}" username "#{ENV['LOKI_USERNAME'] || use_default}" password "#{ENV['LOKI_PASSWORDD'] || use_default}" extra_labels {"job": "fluentd"} line_format json <label> app container pod namespace host filename </label> <buffer> flush_thread_count 8 flush_interval 5s chunk_limit_size 2M queue_limit_length 32 retry_max_interval 30 retry_forever true </buffer> </match> </label>
With this configuration fluentd:
routes all logs to elastic search configuring elasticsearch output plugin. Complete list of parameters in fluent-plugin-elasticsearch repository.
routes all logs to Loki configuring loki output plugin. It adds the following labels to each log stream: app, pod, container, namespace, node_name and job. Before routing them it applies the following filter
- rename
field tomessage
- rename
ElasticSearch specific configuration
fluentd-elasticsearch plugin supports the creation of index templates and ILM policies associated to each new index it creates in ES.
Index Templates is used for controlling the way ES automatically maps/discover log’s field data types and the way ES indexes these fields. ES Index Lifecycle Management (ILM) is used for automating the management of indices, and setting data retention policies.
Additionally, separate ES indexes can be created for storing logs from different containers/app. Each index might has its own index template containing specific mapping configuration (schema definition) and its own ILM policy (different retention policies per log type). Storing logs from different applications in different indexes is an alternative solution to issue #58, avoiding mismatch-data-type ingestion errors that might occur when Merge_Log, option in fluentbit’s kubernetes filter configuration, is enabled.
ILM using fixed index names has been configured. Default plugin behaviour of creating indexes in logstash format (one new index per day) is not used. Dynamic index template configuration is configured, so a separate index will be generated for each namespace (index name: fluentd-namespace) with a common ILM policy.
ILM policy
ILM policy configured (
field in fluent-plugin-elascticsearch) for all fluentd logs is the following:{ "policy": { "phases": { "hot": { "min_age":"0ms", "actions": { "rollover": { "max_size":"10gb", "max_age":"7d" } } }, "warm": { "min_age":"2d", "actions": { "shrink": { "number_of_shards":1 }, "forcemerge": { "max_num_segments":1} } }, "delete": { "min_age":"7d", "actions": { "delete": { "delete_searchable_snapshot":true } } } } } }
Dynamic index template
A index template will be generated per index (container). The index template applied to each index created is the following
{ "index_patterns": ["fluentd-<<TAG>>-*"], "template": { "settings": { "index": { "lifecycle": { "name": "fluentd-policy", "rollover_alias": "fluentd-<<TAG>>" }, "number_of_shards": "<<shard>>", "number_of_replicas": "<<replica>>" } }, "mappings" : { "dynamic_templates" : [ { ... } ] } } }
fluentd-elasticsearch-plugin dynamically replaces «TAG», «shard» and «replica» parameters with the values stored in
field.customize_template {"<<shard>>": "1","<<replica>>": "0", "<<TAG>>":"${index_app_name}"}
Fluentbit Forwarder installation
Fluentbit can be installed and configured to collect and parse Kubernetes logs deploying it as a daemonset pod. See fluenbit documentation on how to install it on Kuberentes cluster: “Fluentbit: Kubernetes Production Grade Log Processor”.
For speed-up the installation there is available a helm chart. Fluentbit config file can be build probiding the proper helm chart values.
- Step 1. Add fluentbit helm repo
helm repo add fluent https://fluent.github.io/helm-charts
- Step 2. Update helm repo
helm repo update
Step 3. Create
for tuning helm chart deployment.fluentbit configuration can be provided to the helm. See
Fluentbit will be configured with the following helm chart
:# fluentbit helm chart values #fluentbit-container environment variables: env: # Fluentd deployment service - name: FLUENT_AGGREGATOR_HOST value: "fluentd" # Default fluentd forward port - name: FLUENT_AGGREGATOR_PORT value: "24224" - name: FLUENT_AGGREGATOR_SHARED_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: fluentd-shared-key key: fluentd-shared-key - name: FLUENT_SELFHOSTNAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.nodeName # Specify TZ - name: TZ value: "Europe/Madrid" # Fluentbit config config: # Helm chart combines service, inputs, outputs, custom_parsers and filters section # fluent-bit.config SERVICE service: | [SERVICE] Daemon Off Flush 1 Log_Level info Parsers_File parsers.conf Parsers_File custom_parsers.conf HTTP_Server On HTTP_Listen HTTP_Port 2020 Health_Check On storage.path /var/log/fluentbit/storage storage.sync normal storage.checksum off storage.backlog.mem_limit 5M storage.metrics on # fluent-bit.config INPUT: inputs: | [INPUT] Name tail Alias input.kube Path /var/log/containers/*.log Path_Key filename multiline.parser docker, cri DB /var/log/fluentbit/flb_kube.db Tag kube.* Mem_Buf_Limit 5MB storage.type filesystem Skip_Long_Lines On [INPUT] Name tail Alias input.host Tag host.* DB /var/log/fluentbit/flb_host.db Path /var/log/auth.log,/var/log/syslog Path_Key filename Mem_Buf_Limit 5MB storage.type filesystem Parser syslog-rfc3164-nopri # fluent-bit.config OUTPUT outputs: | [OUTPUT] Name forward Alias output.aggregator match * Host ${FLUENT_AGGREGATOR_HOST} Port ${FLUENT_AGGREGATOR_PORT} Self_Hostname ${FLUENT_SELFHOSTNAME} Shared_Key ${FLUENT_AGGREGATOR_SHARED_KEY} tls On tls.verify Off # fluent-bit.config PARSERS: customParsers: | [PARSER] Name syslog-rfc3164-nopri Format regex Regex /^(?<time>[^ ]* {1,2}[^ ]* [^ ]*) (?<host>[^ ]*) (?<ident>[a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.\-]*)(?:\[(?<pid>[0-9]+)\])?(?:[^\:]*\:)? *(?<message>.*)$/ Time_Key time Time_Format %b %d %H:%M:%S Time_Keep Off # fluent-bit.config FILTERS: filters: | [FILTER] name multiline match * multiline.key_content log multiline.parser java,python,go [FILTER] Name kubernetes Match kube.* Buffer_Size 512k Kube_Tag_Prefix kube.var.log.containers. Merge_Log On Merge_Log_Trim Off Merge_Log_Key log_processed Keep_Log Off K8S-Logging.Parser On K8S-Logging.Exclude On Annotations Off Labels On [FILTER] Name modify Match kube.* Remove _p Rename log message [FILTER] Name lua Match host.* script /fluent-bit/scripts/adjust_ts.lua call local_timestamp_to_UTC # json-exporter config extraFiles: json-exporter-config.yml: | modules: default: metrics: - name: fluenbit_storage_layer type: object path: '{.storage_layer}' help: The total number of chunks in the fs storage values: fs_chunks_up: '{.chunks.fs_chunks_up}' fs_chunks_down: '{.chunks.fs_chunks_down}' # Fluentbit config Lua Scripts. luaScripts: adjust_ts.lua: | function local_timestamp_to_UTC(tag, timestamp, record) local utcdate = os.date("!*t", ts) local localdate = os.date("*t", ts) localdate.isdst = false -- this is the trick utc_time_diff = os.difftime(os.time(localdate), os.time(utcdate)) return 1, timestamp - utc_time_diff, record end # Enable fluentbit instalaltion on master node. tolerations: - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane operator: Exists effect: NoSchedule # Init container. Create directory for fluentbit initContainers: - name: init-fluentbit-directory image: busybox command: ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'if [ ! -d /var/log/fluentbit ]; then mkdir -p /var/log/fluentbit; fi ; if [ ! -d /var/log/fluentbit/tail-db ]; then mkdir -p /var/log/fluentbit/tail-db; fi ; if [ ! -d /var/log/fluentbit/storage ]; then mkdir -p /var/log/fluentbit/storage; fi'] volumeMounts: - name: varlog mountPath: /var/log # Sidecar container to export storage metrics extraContainers: - name: json-exporter image: quay.io/prometheuscommunity/json-exporter command: ['/bin/json_exporter'] args: ['--config.file=/json-exporter-config.yml'] ports: - containerPort: 7979 name: http protocol: TCP volumeMounts: - mountPath: /json-exporter-config.yml name: config subPath: json-exporter-config.yml
- Step 4. Install chart
helm install fluent-bit fluent/fluent-bit -f values.yml --namespace logging
- Step 5: Check fluent-bit status
kubectl get all -l app.kubernetes.io/name=fluent-bit -n logging
Fluentbit chart configuration details
The Helm chart deploy fluent-bit as a DaemonSet, passing environment values to the pod and mounting as volumes two different ConfigMaps. These ConfigMaps contain the fluent-bit configuration files and the lua scripts that can be used during the parsing.
Fluent-bit container environment variables.
Fluent-bit pod environment variables are configured through env
helm chart value.
#fluentbit-container environment variables:
# Fluentd deployment service
value: "fluentd"
# Default fluentd forward port
value: "24224"
name: fluentd-shared-key
key: fluentd-shared-key
fieldPath: spec.nodeName
# Specify TZ
- name: TZ
value: "Europe/Madrid"
Fluentd aggregator connection details (IP:
) and TLS forward protocol configuration (shared key:FLUENT_AGGREGATOR_SHARED_KEY
and self-hostname:FLUENT_SELFHOSTNAME
) are passed as environment variables to the fluentbit pod, so forwarder output plugin can be configured. Shared-key is obtanined from the corresponding Secret and selfhost-name from the node running the POD. -
TimeZone (
) need to be specified so Fluentbit can properly parse logs which timestamp does not contain timezone information. OS Ubuntu logs like/var/log/syslog
do not contain timezone information.
Fluent-bit configuration files
Fluent-bit helm chart creates a ConfigMap mounted in the POD as /fluent-bit/etc/
volume containin all fluent-bit configuration files, using helm value config
Helm generates a ConfigMap containing:
- fluentbit main configuration file (
) concatenating content from helm valuesconfig.service
, andconfig.filters
. - custom parser file (
) containing content fromconfig.custom_parsers
helm value.
The file content has the following sections:
Fluentbit [SERVICE] configuration
[SERVICE] Daemon Off Flush 1 Log_Level info Parsers_File parsers.conf Parsers_File custom_parsers.conf HTTP_Server On HTTP_Listen HTTP_Port 2020 Health_Check On storage.path /var/log/fluentbit/storage storage.sync normal storage.checksum off storage.backlog.mem_limit 5M storage.metrics on
This configuration enables built-in HTTP server (
) to endpoints enabling remote monitoring of fluentbit. One of the endpoints,/api/v1/metrics/prometheus
, exposed metrics in Prometheus format.It also loads configuration files containing the log parsers to be used ([PARSER] configuration section) (
). Fluentbit is usingparser.conf
(file coming from fluentbit official docker image) andcustom_parser.conf
(parser file containing additional parsers defined in the same ConfigMap).To increase realibility, fluentbit filesystem buffering mechanism is enabled (
) and storage metrics endpoint (storage.metrics
). -
Fluentbit [INPUT] configuration
Fluentbit inputs are configured to collect and parse the following:
Container logs parsing
[INPUT] Name tail Alias input.kube Path /var/log/containers/*.log multiline.parser docker, cri DB /var/log/fluentbit/flb_kube.db Tag kube.* Skip_Long_Lines On Mem_Buf_Limit 50MB storage.type filesystem
It configures fluentbit to monitor kubernetes containers logs (
), usingtail
input plugin and enabling the parsing of multi-line logs (muline.parser
)All logs are tagged adding the prefix
.Multiline parser engine provides built-in multiline parsers (supporting docker and cri logs formats) and a way to define custom parsers.
The two options in
separated by a comma means multi-format: try docker and cri multiline formats.For
logs multiline parsercri
is needed. Embedded implementation of this parser applies the following regexp to the input lines:"^(?<time>.+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr) (?<_p>F|P) (?<log>.*)$"
See implementation in go code.
Fourth field (“F/P”) indicates whether the log is full (one line) or partial (more lines are expected). See more details in this fluentbit feature request
To increase realibility, fluentbit memory/filesystem buffering mechanism is enabled: (
set to 50MB andstorage.type
set to filesystem).Alias
is configured to provide more readable metrics. See fluentbit monitoring documentation.Tail
parameter configured to keeping track of the monitoring files. See Fluentbit tail input: keeping state” -
OS level system logs
[INPUT] Name tail Alias input.os Tag host.* DB /var/log/fluentbit/flb_host.db Path /var/log/auth.log,/var/log/syslog Parser syslog-rfc3164-nopri Mem_Buf_Limit 50MB storage.type filesystem
Fluentbit is configured for extracting OS level logs (
files), using custom parsersyslog-rfc3164-nopri
(syslog without priority field) defined incustom_parser.conf
file.To increase realibility, fluentbit memory/filesystem buffering mechanism is enabled: (
set to 50MB andstorage.type
set to filesystem).Alias
is configured to provide more readable metrics. See fluentbit monitoring documentation.Tail
parameter configured to keeping track of the monitoring files. See Fluentbit tail input: keeping state”Note:
By default helm chart tries to configure fluentbit to collect and parse systemd
service, which is usually the systemd process in K8S distributions.[INPUT] Name systemd Tag host.* Systemd_Filter _SYSTEMD_UNIT=kubelet.service Read_From_Tail On
In K3S only two systemd processes are installed (
in master node andk3s-agent
in worker nodes). In both cases, logs are also copied to OS level syslog file (/var/log/syslog
). So monitoring OS level files is enough to get K3S processes logs.
Fluentbit [OUTPUT] configuration
[OUTPUT] Name forward Alias output.aggregator match * Host ${FLUENT_AGGREGATOR_HOST} Port ${FLUENT_AGGREGATOR_PORT} Self_Hostname ${FLUENT_SELFHOSTNAME} Shared_Key ${FLUENT_AGGREGATOR_SHARED_KEY} tls On tls.verify Off
Fluentbit is configured to forward all logs to fluentd aggregator using a secure channel (TLS) container environment variables are used to confure fluentd connection details and shared key.
is configured to provide more readable metrics. See fluentbit monitoring documentation. -
Fluentbit [FILTERS] configuration
Multiline Filter
[FILTER] name multiline match * multiline.key_content log multiline.parser java,python,go
This filter activates fluentbit built-in mutiline parsers/filters (availible since v1.8.2) to concatenate Stack trace log messages (multiline logs). Built-in multine parsers, included in the above filter definition, are able to detect stack traces generated by java, python and go languages. Customized multiline-parsers can be also defined as part of the configuration (
)See furthter details multiline filter doc.
Multiline parser built-in capability is already configured for Tail input (using cri parsers) to parse possible multiline containerd logs. In this case this multiline filter is needed to apply mutiline filter to the
field, field extracted applyinc CRI parser while parsing containerd log (original log app)Kubernetes Filter
[FILTER] Name kubernetes Match kube.* Buffer_Size 512k Kube_Tag_Prefix kube.var.log.containers. Merge_Log On Merge_Log_Key log_processed Merge_Log_Trim Off Keep_Log Off K8S-Logging.Parser On K8S-Logging.Exclude On Annotations Off Labels On
This filter is only applied to kubernetes logs(containing kube.* tag). Fluent-bit kubernetes filter do to main tasks:
It enriches logs with Kubernetes metadata
Parsing log tag information (obtaining pod_name, container_name, container_id namespace) and querying the Kube API (obtaining pod_id, pod labels and annotations).
See Fluent-bit kuberentes filter documentation. Kubernetes labels are included in the enrichment process but annotations are not (
Annotations Off
andLabels On
) All kubernetes metadata is stored within the processed log as akubernetes
map.Important: About Buffer_Size when connecting to Kuberenetes API
Kuberentes filter’s
default value is set to 32K which it is not enough for getting data of some of the PODs. With default value, Kubernetes filter was not able to get metadata information for some of the PODs (i.e.: elasticsearh). Increasing its value to 512k makes it work. -
It further parses
field within the CRI log formatIt needs to be enabled (
Merge_Log On
), and, by default it applies a JSON parser to log content. Using specific Kuberenetes POD annotations (fluentbit.io/parser
, a specific parser forlog
field can be specified at POD and container level (This annotation mechanism need to be activated (K8sS_Logging.Parser On
).See Fluent-bit kuberentes filter documentation: Processing log value.
Parsed log field will be added to the processed log as a
map (Merge_Log_Key
).Important: About Log_Merge and ES ingestion errors
Activating Merge_Log functionality might result in conflicting field types when tryin to ingest into elasticsearch causing its rejection. See issue #58.
To solve this issue a filter rule in the aggregation layer (fluentd) has to be created. This rule will remove
field and it will create a new fieldjson_message.<container-name>
, making unique the fields before ingesting into ES.<filter kube.**> @type record_transformer enable_ruby true remove_keys log_processed <record> json_message.${record["container"]} ${(record.has_key?('log_processed'))? record['log_processed'] : nil} </record> </filter>
Modify filter
[FILTER] Name modify Match kube.* Remove _p Rename log message
filter removing and renaming some logs fields.Lua filter The following filter need to be applied to host logs (OS level). Logs tagged as
[FILTER] Name lua Match host.* script /fluent-bit/scripts/adjust_ts.lua call local_timestamp_to_UTC
This filter executes a local-time-to-utc filter (Lua script). It applies to system level logs (
) . It translates logs timestamps from local time to UTC format.This is needed because time field included in these logs does not contain information about TimeZone. Since I am not using UTC time in my cluster (cluser is using
timezone), Fluentbit/Elasticsearch, when parsing them, assumes they are in UTC timezone displaying them in the future. See issue #5. -
customParser.conf file has custom parsers definition ([PARSER] sections).
Name syslog-rfc3164-nopri
Format regex
Regex /^(?<time>[^ ]* {1,2}[^ ]* [^ ]*) (?<host>[^ ]*) (?<ident>[a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.\-]*)(?:\[(?<pid>[0-9]+)\])?(?:[^\:]*\:)? *(?<message>.*)$/
Time_Key time
Time_Format %b %d %H:%M:%S
Time_Keep False
Custom parser needed to properly parse Ubuntu level syslog files (/var/log/auth.log
and /var/log/syslog
). Fluentbit default syslog parser is not valid, since Ubuntu is using a syslog format without specifying the priority field.
Fluent-bit Lua-script files
Fluent-bit helm chart creates a ConfigMap mounted in the POD as /fluent-bit/scripts/
volume containin all fluent-bit lua script files used during the parsing, using helm value luaScript
The lua script configured is the one enabling local-time-to-utc translation:
function local_timestamp_to_UTC(tag, timestamp, record)
local utcdate = os.date("!*t", ts)
local localdate = os.date("*t", ts)
localdate.isdst = false -- this is the trick
utc_time_diff = os.difftime(os.time(localdate), os.time(utcdate))
return 1, timestamp - utc_time_diff, record
Enabling fluent-bit deployment in master node
Fluentbit pod tolerations can be configured through helm chart value tolerations
- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
operator: Exists
effect: NoSchedule
Init container for creating fluentbit DB temporary directory
Additional pod init-container for creating /var/log/fluentbit
directory in each node:
- To store fluentbit Tail plugin database keeping track of monitored files and offsets (
- To store fluentbit buffering:
- name: init-fluentbit-directory
image: busybox
command: ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'if [ ! -d /var/log/fluentbit ]; then mkdir -p /var/log/fluentbit; fi ; if [ ! -d /var/log/fluentbit/tail-db ]; then mkdir -p /var/log/fluentbit/tail-db; fi ; if [ ! -d /var/log/fluentbit/storage ]; then mkdir -p /var/log/fluentbit/storage; fi']
- name: varlog
mountPath: /var/log
is based on busybox
image that creates a directory /var/logs/fluentbit
Sidecar container for exporting storage metrics
When enabling filesystem buffering (production usual configuration), Fluentbit storage metrics should be monitored as well. These metrics are not exposed by Fluentbit in prometheus format (metrics endpoint: /api/v1/metrics/prometheus
). They are exposed in JSON format at /api/v1/storage
The storage output looks like this:
curl -s | jq
"storage_layer": {
"chunks": {
"total_chunks": 0,
"mem_chunks": 0,
"fs_chunks": 0,
"fs_chunks_up": 0,
"fs_chunks_down": 0
"input_chunks": {
"input.kube": {
"status": {
"overlimit": false,
"mem_size": "0b",
"mem_limit": "47.7M"
"chunks": {
"total": 0,
"up": 0,
"down": 0,
"busy": 0,
"busy_size": "0b"
"input.os": {
"status": {
"overlimit": false,
"mem_size": "0b",
"mem_limit": "47.7M"
"chunks": {
"total": 0,
"up": 0,
"down": 0,
"busy": 0,
"busy_size": "0b"
"storage_backlog.2": {
"status": {
"overlimit": false,
"mem_size": "0b",
"mem_limit": "0b"
"chunks": {
"total": 0,
"up": 0,
"down": 0,
"busy": 0,
"busy_size": "0b"
where is the IP of fluentbit POD (one of them)
To do troubleshooting of APIs with curl command in kuberentes a utility POD can be deployed. In this case ricsanfre/docker-curl-jq docker image is used (simple alpine image containing bash, curl and jq)
It can deployed with command:
kubectl run -it --rm --image=ricsanfre/docker-curl-jq curly
There is a open issue in Fluentbit to export storage metrics with prometheus format (https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/pull/5334).
As alternative, prometheus-json-exporter can be deployed as sidecar to translate storage JSON metrics to Prometheus format. This FluentCon presentation shows how to do it and to integrate it with Prometheus.
The prometheus-json-exporter config.yml file need to be provided. It has been included as part of fluent-bit ConfigMap as extraFiles
helm chart variable.
json-exporter-config.yml: |
- name: fluenbit_storage_layer
type: object
path: '{.storage_layer}'
help: The total number of chunks in the fs storage
fs_chunks_up: '{.chunks.fs_chunks_up}'
fs_chunks_down: '{.chunks.fs_chunks_down}'
This configuration translate to Prometheus format metrics fs_chunks_up
and fs_chunks_down
This configurationf file is mounted in prometheus-json-exporter sidecarcontainer
To deploy sidecar prometheus-json-exporter extraContainers
# Sidecar container to export storage metrics
- name: json-exporter
image: quay.io/prometheuscommunity/json-exporter
command: ['/bin/json_exporter']
args: ['--config.file=/json-exporter-config.yml']
- containerPort: 7979
name: http
protocol: TCP
- mountPath: /json-exporter-config.yml
name: config
subPath: json-exporter-config.yml
start wiht json-exporter.config.yml
and listen on port 7979.
When deployed, the exporter can be tested with the following command:
curl ""
# HELP fluenbit_storage_layer_fs_chunks_down The total number of chunks in the fs storage
# TYPE fluenbit_storage_layer_fs_chunks_down untyped
fluenbit_storage_layer_fs_chunks_down 0
# HELP fluenbit_storage_layer_fs_chunks_up The total number of chunks in the fs storage
# TYPE fluenbit_storage_layer_fs_chunks_up untyped
fluenbit_storage_layer_fs_chunks_up 1
About Forwarder Only Architecture
For deploying fluent-bit in forwarder-only architecture, without aggregation layer, only the following helm chart configuration changes need to be applied:
Environment variables
env: # Elastic operator creates elastic service name with format cluster_name-es-http - name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST value: "efk-es-http" # Default elasticsearch default port - name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PORT value: "9200" # Elasticsearch user - name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_USER value: "elastic" # Elastic operator stores elastic user password in a secret - name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: "efk-es-elastic-user" key: elastic # Specify TZ - name: TZ value: "Europe/Madrid"
Elasticsearch connection details (IP:
) and access credentials (FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_USER
) are passed as environment variables to the fluentbit pod (elastic
user password obtaining from the corresponding Secret). -
Output plugin configuration
In this case, [OUTPUT] configuration routes the logs directly to elasticsearch.
config: outputs: | [OUTPUT] Name es match * Host ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST} Port ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PORT} Logstash_Format True Logstash_Prefix logstash Suppress_Type_Name True Include_Tag_Key True Tag_Key tag HTTP_User ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_USER} HTTP_Passwd ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD} tls False tls.verify False Retry_Limit False
option is disabled (set to False/Off). TLS communications are enabled by cluster service mesh.Suppress_Type_Name
option must be enabled (set to On/True). When enabled, mapping types is removed and Type option is ignored. Types are deprecated in APIs in v7.0. This option need to be disabled to avoid errors when injecting logs into elasticsearch:{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"Action/metadata line [1] contains an unknown parameter [_type]"}],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"Action/metadata line [1] contains an unknown parameter [_type]"},"status":400}
In release v7.x the log is just a warning but in v8 the error causes fluentbit to fail injecting logs into Elasticsearch.
Logs from external nodes
For colleting the logs from external nodes (nodes not belonging to kubernetes cluster: i.e: gateway
),fluentbit will be installed and logs will be forwarded to fluentd aggregator service running within the cluster.
There are official installation packages for Ubuntu. Installation instructions can be found in Fluentbit documentation: “Ubuntu installation”.
Fluentbit installation and configuration tasks have been automated with Ansible developing a role: role ricsanfre.fluentbit. This role install fluentbit and configure it.
Fluent bit configuration
ricsanfre.fluentbit role configuration is defined through a set of ansible variables. This variables are defined at control
inventory group (group_vars/control.yml), to which gateway
and pimaster
belong to.
Configuration is quite similar to the one defined for the fluentbit-daemonset, removing kubernetes logs collection and filtering and maintaining only OS-level logs collection.
Daemon Off
Flush 1
Log_Level info
Parsers_File parsers.conf
Parsers_File custom_parsers.conf
HTTP_Server On
HTTP_Port 2020
Health_Check On
Name tail
Tag host.*
DB /run/fluentbit-state.db
Path /var/log/auth.log,/var/log/syslog
Parser syslog-rfc3164-nopri
Name lua
Match host.*
script /etc/fluent-bit/adjust_ts.lua
call local_timestamp_to_UTC
Name forward
Match *
Host fluentd.picluster.ricsanfre.com
Port 24224
Self_Hostname gateway
Shared_Key s1cret0
tls true
tls.verify false
Name syslog-rfc3164-nopri
Format regex
Regex /^(?<time>[^ ]* {1,2}[^ ]* [^ ]*) (?<host>[^ ]*) (?<ident>[a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.\-]*)(?:\[(?<pid>[0-9]+)\])?(?:[^\:]*\:)? *(?<message>.*)$/
Time_Key time
Time_Format %b %d %H:%M:%S
Time_Keep False
With configuration Fluentbit will monitoring log entries in /var/log/auth.log
and /var/log/syslog
files, parsing them using a custom parser syslog-rfc3165-nopri
(syslog default parser removing priority field) and forward them to fluentd aggregator service running in K3S cluster. Fluentd destination is configured using DNS name associated to fluentd aggregator service external IP.
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