Cluster Gateway (Ubuntu OS)

One of the Raspberry Pi (2GB), gateway, is used as Router and Firewall for the home lab, isolating the homelab network from my home network. It will also provide DNS, NTP and DHCP services to my lab network.

This Raspberry Pi (gateway), is connected to my home network using its WIFI interface (wlan0) and to the LAN Switch using the eth interface (eth0).

In order to ease the automation with Ansible, OS installed on gateway is the same as the one installed in the nodes of the cluster: Ubuntu 22.04 64 bits.

Storage Configuration

gateway node is based on a Raspberry Pi 4B 2GB booting from a USB Flash Disk.

Network Configuration

The WIFI interface (wlan0) will be used to be connected to my home network using static IP address (, while ethernet interface (eth0) will be connected to the lan switch, lab network, using static IP address ( Static IP addres in home network, will enable the configuration of static routes in my labtop and VM running on it (pimaster) to access the cluster nodes without fisically connect the laptop to the lan switch with an ethernet cable.

Unbuntu OS instalation

Ubuntu can be installed on Raspbery PI using a preconfigurad cloud image that need to be copied to SDCard or USB Flashdisk/SSD.

Raspberry Pis will be configured to boot Ubuntu OS from USB conected disk (Flash Disk or SSD disk). The initial Ubuntu 22.04 LTS configuration on a Raspberry Pi 4 will be automated using cloud-init.

In order to enable boot from USB, Raspberry PI firmware might need to be updated. Follow the producedure indicated in “Raspberry PI - Firmware Update”.

The installation procedure followed is the described in “Ubuntu OS Installation” using cloud-init configuration files (user-data and network-config) for gateway.

user-data depends on the storage architectural option selected::

User Data

network-config is the same in both architectures:

Network configuration

cloud-init: network configuration

Ubuntu’s netplan yaml configuration file used, part of cloud-init boot /boot/network-config is the following:

version: 2
    dhcp4: false
    dhcp6: false
    optional: true
    dhcp4: false
    dhcp6: false
    optional: true
        password: <SSID_PASSWD>
      - to: default

It assigns static IP address to eth0 port and configures wifi interface (wlan0) to have static IP address in home network ( DNS servers of my ISP are also configured.

Ubuntu OS Initital Configuration

After booting from the USB3.0 external storage for the first time, the Raspberry Pi will have SSH connectivity and it will be ready to be automatically configured from the ansible control node pimaster.

Initial configuration tasks includes: removal of snap package, and Raspberry PI specific configurations tasks such as: intallation of fake hardware clock, installation of some utility packages scripts and change default GPU Memory plit configuration. See instructions in “Ubuntu OS initial configurations”.

Router/Firewall Configuration

Enabling IP Forwarding

To convert gateway into a router, Ubuntu need to be configured to enable the forwarding of IP packets. This is done by adding to /etc/sysctl.conf file:


Configure Filtering and Forwarding rules

This can be done installing iptables package and configuring iptables rules.

For example forwarding rules can be configured with the following commads:

sudo apt install iptables
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -j ACCEPT

But for configuring router/firewall rules, nftables package will be used instead.

nftables is the succesor of iptables and it allows for much more flexible, easy to use, scalable and performance packet classification. Both of them are based on netfilter kernel module and according to their community maintaners netfilter in nftables is “where all the fancy new features are developed”.

In Debian, since 11 release (Buster), nftables is the default and recommended firewall package replacing iptables (see Starting with Debian Buster, nf_tables is the default backend when using iptables, by means of the iptables-nft layer (i.e, using iptables syntax with the nf_tables kernel subsystem). In Ubuntu, since Ubuntu 20.10, ip-tables package is including xtables-nft commands which are versions of iptables commands but using nftables kernel api for enabling the migration from iptables to nftables.

nftables seems to have the support of the Linux community and iptables probably will be deprecated in future releases.

Package can be installed with apt:

sudo apt install nftables

And it can be configured using command line or a configuration file /etc/nftables.conf.

As a modular example:

  • Global Configuration File


    #!/usr/sbin/nft -f
    # clean
    flush ruleset
    include "/etc/nftables.d/defines.nft"
    table inet filter {
            chain global {
                    # 005 state management
                    ct state established,related accept
                    ct state invalid drop
            include "/etc/nftables.d/sets.nft"
            include "/etc/nftables.d/filter-input.nft"
            include "/etc/nftables.d/filter-output.nft"
            include "/etc/nftables.d/filter-forward.nft"
    # Additionnal table for Network Address Translation (NAT)
    table ip nat {
            include "/etc/nftables.d/sets.nft"
            include "/etc/nftables.d/nat-prerouting.nft"
            include "/etc/nftables.d/nat-postrouting.nft"
  • Variables Variables containing the IP address and ports to be used by the rules files


      # broadcast and multicast
      define badcast_addr = {,, }
      # broadcast and multicast
      define ip6_badcast_addr = { ff02::16 }
      # in_tcp_accept
      define in_tcp_accept = { ssh, https, http }
      # in_udp_accept
      define in_udp_accept = { snmp, domain, ntp, bootps }
      # out_tcp_accept
      define out_tcp_accept = { http, https, ssh }
      # out_udp_accept
      define out_udp_accept = { domain, bootps , ntp }
      # lan_interface
      define lan_interface = eth0
      # wan_interface
      define wan_interface = wlan0
      # lan_network
      define lan_network =
      # forward_tcp_accept
      define forward_tcp_accept = { http, https, ssh }
      # forward_udp_accept
      define forward_udp_accept = { domain, ntp }
  • Nftables typed and tagged variables, sets.


      set blackhole {
            type ipv4_addr;
            elements = $badcast_addr
      set forward_tcp_accept {
            type inet_service; flags interval;
            elements = $forward_tcp_accept
      set forward_udp_accept {
            type inet_service; flags interval;
            elements = $forward_udp_accept
      set in_tcp_accept {
            type inet_service; flags interval;
            elements = $in_tcp_accept
      set in_udp_accept {
            type inet_service; flags interval;
            elements = $in_udp_accept
      set ip6blackhole {
            type ipv6_addr;
            elements = $ip6_badcast_addr
      set out_tcp_accept {
            type inet_service; flags interval;
            elements = $out_tcp_accept
      set out_udp_accept {
            type inet_service; flags interval;
            elements = $out_udp_accept
  • Input traffic filtering rules


    chain input {
            # 000 policy
            type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
            # 005 global
            jump global
            # 010 drop unwanted
            # (none)
            # 011 drop unwanted ipv6
            # (none)
            # 015 localhost
            iif lo accept
            # 050 icmp
            meta l4proto {icmp,icmpv6} accept
            # 200 input udp accepted
            udp dport @in_udp_accept ct state new accept
            # 210 input tcp accepted
            tcp dport @in_tcp_accept ct state new accept
  • Output traffic filtering rules


    chain output {
          # 000 policy: Allow any output traffic
          type filter hook output priority 0;
  • Forwarding traffic rules


    chain forward {
        # 000 policy
            type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
        # 005 global
          jump global
        # 200 lan to wan tcp
          iifname $lan_interface ip saddr $lan_network oifname $wan_interface tcp dport @forward_tcp_accept ct state new accept
        # 210 lan to wan udp
          iifname $lan_interface ip saddr $lan_network oifname $wan_interface udp dport @forward_udp_accept ct state new accept
        # 220 ssh from wan
          iifname $wan_interface oifname $lan_interface ip daddr $lan_network tcp dport ssh ct state new accept
        # 230 http from wan
          iifname $wan_interface oifname $lan_interface ip daddr $lan_network tcp dport {http, https} ct state new accept

    These forwarding rules enables:

    • Outgoing traffic (from the cluster): all tcp/udp traffic is allowed.
    • Incoming traffic (to the cluster): only the following traffic is allowed:
      • SSH
      • HTTP and HTTPS on standard ports (TCP 80 and 443).
  • NAT pre-routing rules


    chain prerouting {
            # 000 policy
            type nat hook prerouting priority 0;
  • NAT post-routing rules /etc/nftables.d/nat-postrouting.nft

    chain postrouting {
            # 000 policy
            type nat hook postrouting priority 100;
            # 005 masquerade lan to wan
            ip saddr $lan_network oifname $wan_interface masquerade

Configuring static routes to access to cluster from home network

To acess to the cluster nodes from my home network a static route need to be added for using gateway as router of my lab network (

This route need to be added to my Laptop and the VM running pimaster node

  • Adding static route in my Windows laptop

    Open a command:

  • Adding static route in Linux VM running on my laptop (VirtualBox)

    Modify /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml for adding the static route

    version: 2
        dhcp4: no
        addresses: [] #Host Only VirtualBox network
        dhcp4: yes # Home network IP address
        - to: #Cluster Lab Network
          via: #`gateway` static ip address in home network        

DHCP/DNS Configuration

dnsmasq will be used as lightweight DHCP/DNS server.

DNS configured as Resolver/Forwarder. See more details in PiCluster - DNS Architecture.

Manual installation process is the following:

  • Step 1. Install dnsmasq

    sudo apt install dnsmasq
  • Step 2. Configure dnsmasq

    Edit file /etc/dnsmasq.d/dnsmasq.conf


    Our DHCP/DNS service will be providing services over eth0 adapter


    We will listen on the static IP address we declared earlier


    DHCP IP range


    Upstream nameservers

    server=/ server= server=

    Bind dnsmasq to the interfaces it is listening on (eth0)


    Never forward plain names (without a dot or domain part)


    Never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces.


    Do not use the hosts file on this machine


    Useful for debugging issues



  • Step 3. Restart dnsmasq service

    sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq

Useful Commands

  1. Check DHCP leases in DHCP server

    See file /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases

  2. Check DHCP lease in DHCP Clients

    See file /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases

  3. Release DHCP current lease (DHCP client)

    sudo dhclient -r <interface>
  4. Obtain a new DHCP lease (DHCP client)

    sudo dhclient <interface>
  5. Relesase DHCP lease (DHCP server)

    sudo dhcp_release <interface> <address> <MAC address> <client_id>

    <interface>, <address> , <MAC address> and <client_id> are columns in file /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases

    cat `/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases`
    1662325792 e4:5f:01:2f:54:82 node4 ff:ce:f0:c5:95:00:02:00:00:ab:11:1d:5c:ee:f7:30:5a:1c:c3
    1662325794 e4:5f:01:2d:fd:19 node2 ff:59:1d:0c:2c:00:02:00:00:ab:11:a2:0c:7b:67:b5:0d:a0:b6
    1662325795 e4:5f:01:2f:49:05 node3 ff:2b:f0:10:76:00:02:00:00:ab:11:f4:83:c3:e4:cd:06:92:25
    1662325796 dc:a6:32:9c:29:b9 node1 ff:38:f0:78:87:00:02:00:00:ab:11:f1:8d:67:ed:9f:35:f9:9b

    Format in the file is:

    <lease_expire_time_stamp> <MAC address> <address> <hostname> <client_id>

Additional connfiguration: Updating DNS resolver

Ubuntu 20.04 comes with systemd-resolved service that provides a DNS stub resolver on Ubuntu 20.04. A stub resolver is a small DNS client running on the server that provides network name resolution to local applications and implements a DNS caching.

The DNS servers contacted are determined from the global settings in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf, the per-link static settings in /etc/systemd/network/*.network files, the per-link dynamic settings received over DHCP, information provided via resolvectl(1), and any DNS server information made available by other system services.

All nodes of the cluster will receive the configuration of the DNS server in the cluster (dnsmasq running in gateway node) from DHCP. But gateway node need to be configured to use local dnsmaq service instead of the default DNS servers received by the DCHP connection to my home network (my home network configuration).

To check the name server used by the local resolver run:

systemd-resolve --status

To specify the dns server to be used modify the file /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

Add the following lines


Restart systemd-resolve service

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

NTP Server Configuration

Ubuntu by default uses timedatectl / timesyncd to synchronize time and users can optionally use chrony to serve the Network Time Protocol From Ubuntu 16.04 timedatectl / timesyncd (which are part of systemd) replace most of ntpdate / ntp. (

Since ntp and ntpdate are deprecated chrony package will be used for configuring NTP synchronization.

gateway will be hosting a NTP server and the rest of cluster nodes will be configured as NTP Clients.

  • Step 1. Install chrony

    sudo apt install chrony
  • Step 2. Configure chrony

    Edit file /etc/chrony/chrony.conf

    • In gateway

      Configure NTP servers and allow serving NTP to lan clients.

      pool iburst
      pool iburst
      pool iburst
      pool iburst
    • In node1-5:

      Configure gateway as NTP server


Chrony commands

Check time synchronization with Chronyc

  1. Confirm that NTP is enabled

  2. Checking Chrony is running and view the peers and servers to which it is connected

    chronyc activity
  3. To view a detailed list of time servers, their IP addresses, time skew, and offset

    chronyc sources
  4. Confirm that the chrony is synchronized

    chronyc tracking

Last Update: Jan 16, 2025
