GitOps (ArgoCD)
Important: Deprecated Technology in PiCluster project
GitOps solution for the cluster has been migrated to FluxCD in release 1.9. ArgoCD technology has been deprecated and this documentation is not updated anymore.
Reasons behind this decission in PiCluster 1.9 release announcement.
See alternative GitOps solution documentation: “GitOps (FluxCD)”.
Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.
It can be integrated with Git repositories, and used jointly with CI tools, like Jenkins or Github-actions to define end-to-end CI/CD pipeline to automatically build and deploy applications in Kubernetes.
Argo CD follows the GitOps pattern of using Git repositories as the source of truth for defining the desired application state, through a set of kubernetes manifests. Kubernetes manifests can be specified in several ways:
- kustomize applications
- helm charts
- Plain directory of YAML/json manifests
Argo CD automates the deployment of the desired application states in the specified target environments (git repository). Application deployments can track updates to branches, tags, or pinned to a specific version of manifests at a Git commit.
ArgoCD installation
Helm Chart installation
ArgoCD can be installed through helm chart
- Step 1: Add ArgoCD helm repository:
helm repo add argo
- Step 2: Fetch the latest charts from the repository:
helm repo update
- Step 3: Create namespace
kubectl create namespace argocd
Step 4: Create argocd-values.yml
configs: params: # Run server without TLS # Ingress NGINX finishes TLS connections server.insecure: true cm: statusbadge.enabled: true # Adding Applications health check | hs = {} hs.status = "Progressing" hs.message = "" if obj.status ~= nil then if ~= nil then hs.status = if ~= nil then hs.message = end end end return hs # Kustomize build options # --enable-helm: Enabling Helm chart rendering with Kustomize # --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone: Local kustomizations may load files from outside their root kustomize.buildOptions: --enable-helm --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone server: # Ingress Resource. ingress: ## Enable creation of ingress resource enabled: true ## Add ingressClassName to the Ingress ingressClassName: nginx # ingress host hostname: ## Default ingress path path: / pathType: Prefix # Enable tls. argocd-server-tls secret is created automatically for hostname tls: true ## Ingress annotations annotations: # Enable cert-manager to create automatically the SSL certificate and store in Secret # Possible Cluster-Issuer values: # * 'letsencrypt-issuer' (valid TLS certificate using IONOS API) # * 'ca-issuer' (CA-signed certificate, not valid) letsencrypt-issuer
With this config, Application resource health check is included so App of Apps pattern can be used. See below.
- Step 5: Install helm chart
helm install argocd argo/argo-cd --namespace argocd -f argocd-values.yml
Step 6: Check Argo CD admin password
kubectl get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' -n argocd | base64 -d
Step 7: Configure Port Forward
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:80 --address
Step 8: Access Argo CD UI, using
user and password obtained from step 6.http://<server-port-forwarding>:8080
Ingress Configuration
Igress NGINX will be used as ingress controller, terminating TLS traffic, so ArgoCD does not need to expose its API using HTTPS.
Configure ArgoCD to run its API server with TLS disabled
The following helm chart values need to be provided:
configs: params: # Run server without TLS # Nginx finishes TLS connections server.insecure: true
For creating Ingress resource, add following lines to helm chart values:
# Ingress Resource. ingress: ## Enable creation of ingress resource enabled: true ## Add ingressClassName to the Ingress ingressClassName: nginx # ingress host hosts: - ## TLS Secret Name tls: - secretName: argocd-tls hosts: - ## Default ingress path paths: - / ## Ingress annotations annotations: # Enable cert-manager to create automatically the SSL certificate and store in Secret # Possible Cluster-Issuer values: # * 'letsencrypt-issuer' (valid TLS certificate using IONOS API) # * 'ca-issuer' (CA-signed certificate, not valid) letsencrypt-issuer
See more details in Argo-CD Ingress configuration doc
Exclude synchronization of resources
Using automatic synchornization and pruning of resources might cause side effects with some of the kubernetes resources that are not created by ArgoCD.
See an example of this wrong behavior in issue #273. ArgoCD auto-synch policy is pruning VolumeSnapshot and VolumeSnapshotContent resources that are created automatically by backup process, making backup process to fail.
The way to solve this issue is to make ArgoCD to ignore the VolumeSnapshot and VolumeSnapshotContent resources during the synchronization process.
For doing that, ArgoCD need to be configured to exclude those resources from synchronization. See ArgoCD resource Exclusion for more details.
The following lines need to be added to helm chart:
## Ignore resources
# Ignore VolumeSnapshot and VolumeSnapshotContent: Created by backup processes.
resource.exclusions: |
- apiGroups:
- VolumeSnapshot
- VolumeSnapshotContent
- "*"
ArgoCD Applications
ArgoCD applications to be deployed can be configured using ArgoCD UI or using ArgoCD specific CRDs (Application/ApplicationSet).
Different types of applications will be needed for the Pi Cluster
Directory Applications
A directory-type application loads plain manifest files from .yml, .yaml, and .json files from a specific directory in a git repository.
Using declarative Application CRD a directory application can be created applying the following manifest file
apiVersion: kind: Application metadata: name: test-app spec: destination: namespace: <target-namespace> server: https://kubernetes.default.svc project: default source: # Enabling Recursive Resource Detection directory: recurse: true # Repo path path: test-app # Repo URL repoURL:<user>/<repo>.git # Branch, tag tracking targetRevision: HEAD syncPolicy: # Automatic sync options automated: prune: true selfHeal: true
: namespace to deploy the applicationdestination.server
: cluster to deploy the application (https://kuberentes.default.svc
indicates local cluster)source.repoURL
is the URL of the Git Repositorysourcepath
is the path within the Git repository where the application is locatedsource.targetRevision
is the Git tag, branch or commit to tracksyncPolicy.automated
are ArgoCD auto-sync policies, to automatically keep in synch application manifest files in the cluster, delete old resources (prune
option) and launch sych when changes are made to the cluster (selfHeal
Helm Chart Applications in ArgoCD
Helm chart applications can be installed in a declarative GitOps way using ArgoCD’s Application CRD.
apiVersion: kind: Application metadata: name: cert-manager namespace: argocd spec: project: default source: chart: cert-manager repoURL: targetRevision: v1.10.0 helm: releaseName: cert-manager parameters: - name: installCRDs value: "true" # valueFiles: # - values.yaml destination: server: "https://kubernetes.default.svc" namespace: cert-manager
is the name of the chart to deploy from the Helm Repository.repoURL
is the URL of the Helm Repository.releaseName
is the version of the chart to deployparameters
- Helm chart parameters (overrriding values in values.yaml file)
Alternatively, to provide individual parameters, a values file can be specified (
). -
Kustomize Application
Kustomize traverses a Kubernetes manifest to add, remove or update configuration options without forking. It is available both as a standalone binary and as a native feature of kubectl Kustomize can be used to over a set of plain yaml manifest files or a Chart.
Argo CD has native support for Kustomize and has the ability to read a kustomization.yaml file to enable deployment with Kustomize and allow ArgoCD to manage the state of the YAML files.
A directory type application can be configured to apply kustomize to a set of directories just deploying in the directory (
) akustomize yaml
file.apiVersion: kind: Application metadata: name: test-app namespace: argocd spec: destination: namespace: argocd name: in-cluster source: path: <path-to-kustomization.yaml-file> repoURL:<user>/<repo>.git targetRevision: master syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true
To provide build options to kustomize,
field of argocd-cm ConfigMap need to be configured.The following kustomize build options have been added through helm chart values.yaml
Using kustomize with helm chart inflation
Kustomize has support for helm chart inflation using
helm template
command.Note: Currently, not all
helm template
options are supported but there is a commitment to support it all. See kustomization helmChart documentation.kustomize
build option need to be added to support helm chart inflation. -
Enable local kustomizations to load files from outside their root folder.
build option need to be added to support it.This build option is needed, when using helm chart inflation capability, to overwrite
file defined inbase
directory with contents ofvalue.yaml
file defined in theoverlays
field can be used jointly withHelmChart.valuesFile
for this purpose.
Chek out further details in Argo CD Kustomize applications documentation.
Helm Umbrella Charts
ArgoCD Helm application has the limitation that helm Values file must be in the same git repository as the Helm chart.
Since all charts we want to deploy in the cluster belongs to third party repositories, we could not use the values file option (values file will be in our repository and not in the 3rd party repository) and specifying all chart parameters within the Application definition is not manageable since some of the charts contain lots of parameters.
Note: There is a new ArgoCd functionality, currently (release v2.11.2) in beta status, to support multiple source repos per Application, that will remove that limitation. See details in “ArgoCD documentation: Multiple Sources for an Application”
As an alternative a Helm Umbrella Chart pattern can be used. Helm Umbrella chart is sort of a “meta” (empty) Helm Chart that lists other Helm Charts as a dependency (subcharts).
It consists of a empty helm chart in a repo directory containing only chart definition file (Chart.yaml
), listing all subcharts, and its corresponding values.yaml
apiVersion: v2 name: certmanager version: 0.0.0 dependencies: - name: cert-manager version: v1.10.0 repository:
cert-manager: installCRDs: true
Using this pattern, ArgoCD directory-type application can be declarative deployed.
kind: Application
name: umbrella-chart-app
namespace: <target-namespace>
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
project: default
path: <repo-path>
targetRevision: HEAD
<additional helm options>
prune: true
selfHeal: true
Argo CD looks for a Chart.yaml file under
helm template \
--dependency-update \
--namespace <target-namespace> \
<app-name> <repo-path> \
| kubectl apply -n <target-namespace> -f -
Additional options can be passed to helm command using .spec.helm
parametes in Application resource.
: To specify the name of the values file (default values.yaml)helm.skipCRDs
: To skip installation of CDRs defined in the helm chart
Kustomized Application using Helm Chart Inflator
As alternative to the use of Helm Umbrella charts, applications packaged with kustomized can be defined, using kustomized’s Helm inflator functionality. Kustomized uses helm template
command to generate manifest files from a helm chart.
For using that functionality, helm chart details, can be specified within helmChart
field in kustomized.yaml
Using Argo-cd’s kustomized applications with helm chart support has advantages over Argo-cd’s helm chart applications like ability to apply kustomized’s patches on the manifest files generated by the helm chart inflation process (execution of helm template
Kustomize application can have the following structure, including base
configuration and different overlays
(i.e patches), so helm chart values.yaml defined in the base can be patched (overwritten) by values.yaml in the overlays.
└── app-test
├── base
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ ├── ns.yaml
│ ├── values.yaml
└── overlays
├── dev
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ ├── values.yaml
└── prod
├── kustomization.yaml
└── values.yaml
kind: Kustomization
- ns.yaml # Name service definition manifest file or any other
and overlays/prod/kustomize
kind: Kustomization
- ../../base
- name: <helm-chart-name>
repo: <helm-chart-repo>
version: <helm-chart-version>
releaseName: <release-name>
namespace: <namespace>
valuesFile: ../../base/values.yaml
includeCRDs: true
- values.yaml
base helm values.yaml file (base/values.yaml
) is used as main values file (helmCharts.valueFile). This values.yaml file is merged with values.yaml defined in the overlay directory (overlay/x/values.yaml
) using (helmCharts.additionalValuesFiles)
This helm chart could be installed executing the following command:
kubectl kustomize --enable-helm --load-restrictor=LoadRestrictionsNone app/overlay/dev | kubectl apply -f -
The previous command will apply the dev overlay to inflate helm chart, using overlay
values.yaml to overwrite default values provided in base
and patch them after the inflation.
Using kustomize, manifest files are generated via helm template
command. This is the same procedure used by ArgoCD when installing a HelmChart application, so the output should be the same.
Applying kustomize manifest files directly could provoke undesired results, in case that inflated helm chart contains helm hooks, only processed by helm install
or helm upgrade
commands but not by kubectl kustomize <options> <path> | kubectl apply -f -
ArgoCD, is processing helm hooks annotated resources, and translate them into ArgoCD hooks, so the functionality provided by the helm hooks is not lost. See ArgoCD helm hooks support.
Note: Packaged helm applications will be deployed using kustomize applications following the previous defined pattern. This pattern is the preferred solution over defining umbrella helm charts, because it is simpler and it can leverage all patching capabilities provided by kustomized.
Bootstraping the cluster using App of Apps pattern
For bootstraping the cluster app of apps pattern can be used. The App-of-Apps design is basically an Argo CD Application made up of other Argo CD Applications.
It consist of a ArgoCD application, (root application) containing a set of Application manifest files.
Syncwaves can be used to specify the order in which each application need to be deployed.
Syncwaves and Synchooks are a way to order how Argo CD applies individual manifests within an Argo CD Application. The order is specified by annotating the object (
annotation) with the desired order to apply the manifest. Sync-wave is a integer number (negative numbers are allowed) indicating the order. Manifest files containing lower numbers of synch-waves are applied first.
All resources belonging to same sync-wave have to report healthy status before ArgoCD decices to apply next sync-wave.
Argo CD has health checks for several standard Kubernetes objects built-in. These checks then are bubbled up to the overall Application health status as one unit. For example, an Application that has a Service and a Deployment will be marked “healthy” only if both objects are considered healthy.
There are built-in health checks for Deployment, ReplicaSet, StatefulSet DaemonSet, Service, Ingress, PersistentVolumeClaim, etc. Custom health checks can be defined. See ArgoCD documentation - Resource Health
As described in the documentation, ArgoCD removed Application CRD health check from release 1.8. If App of Apps pattern is used Application health status check need to be added to ArgoCD configuration. |
hs = {}
hs.status = "Progressing"
hs.message = ""
if obj.status ~= nil then
if ~= nil then
hs.status =
if ~= nil then
hs.message =
return hs
Root App
In ArgoCD, the following App of Apps will be defined
├── infra
│ ├── cert-manager
│ └── external-secrets
└── app
├── app1
└── app2
- root-app: Root application: containing two other apps-of-apps:
- infra: Infrastructure related applications (i.e.: cert-manager, longhorn, minio, kube-prometheus-stack, etc.)
- apps: Microservice architecture support services (i.e.: kafka, databases, etc.) and self-develop applications.
application will be specified as a kustomized application containing manifest resources files corresponding to ArgoCD Application.
Within git repo the following directory structure can be created
└── root-app
├── base
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ ├── application.yaml
│ ├── infrastructure.yaml
└── overlays
├── dev
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ ├── patches.yaml
└── prod
├── kustomization.yaml
└── patches.yaml
apiVersion: kind: Kustomization resources: - infrastructure.yaml - application.yaml
apiVersion: kind: Application metadata: name: infrastructure namespace: argocd finalizers: - annotations: "-2" spec: project: picluster source: path: kubernetes/bootstrap/infra/overlays/prod repoURL: targetRevision: master destination: namespace: argocd name: in-cluster syncPolicy: automated: selfHeal: true prune: true retry: limit: 10 backoff: duration: 1m maxDuration: 16m factor: 2 syncOptions: - CreateNamespace=true - ServerSideApply=true - ApplyOutOfSyncOnly=true
apiVersion: kind: Application metadata: name: apps namespace: argocd finalizers: - annotations: "-1" spec: project: picluster source: path: kubernetes/bootstrap/apps/overlays/prod repoURL: targetRevision: master destination: namespace: argocd name: in-cluster syncPolicy: automated: selfHeal: true prune: true retry: limit: 10 backoff: duration: 1m maxDuration: 16m factor: 2 syncOptions: - CreateNamespace=true - ServerSideApply=true - ApplyOutOfSyncOnly=true
Both applications are configured to be synchronized using different waves. So
app of apps will be deployed beforeapps
app of apps.infrastructure
applications point to a different repository path, containing another kustomized application following the app of apps pattern (manifest files are argoCD Application) and its folder structure is similar to the one used byroot-app
Root application created for Pi-Cluster can be found in /kubernets/bootstrap/root-app.
Infrastructure app of apps can be found in /kubernets/bootstrap/infra.
Applications app of apps can be found in /kubernets/bootstrap/apps.
Deploying Root application
Root application can be deployed declarative applying the following manifest file:
kind: Application
name: root
namespace: argocd
project: picluster
path: kubernetes/bootstrap/root-app/overlays/prod
targetRevision: master
namespace: argocd
name: in-cluster
selfHeal: true
prune: true
limit: 10
duration: 1m
maxDuration: 16m
factor: 2
- CreateNamespace=true
This can be done executing the following command from repo home directory
kubectl kustomize --enable-helm --load-restrictor=LoadRestrictionsNone \
kubernetes/bootstrap/argocd/overlays/prod | kubectl apply -f -
CRDs Application
Application containing all CRDs could be created and deployed in the first sync-wave. So all other applications making use of CRDs can be deployed with success even when the corresponding Controller services are not yet deployed. For example: Deploying Prometheus Operator CRDs as part of a CRDs Application, allows to deploy prometheus monitoring objects (ServiceMonitor, PodMonitor, etc) for applications that are deployed before kube-prometheus-stack application.
For an example of such CRDs application, check repository /kubernetes/infraestructure/crds.
Repo Structure
The Git repo structure containing all application manifest files is the following
├── apps # end user applications
├── bootstrap # cluster bootstraping
│ ├── apps # argo-cd end-user applications (end-user Application resources)
│ ├── argocd # argoc-cd bootstraping (root-app app of apps definition)
│ ├── infra # argo-cd infraestructure apps (infrastructure Application resources).
│ ├── root-app # argo-cd root application (infra and apps manifest files)
│ └── vault # vault bootstraping manifest files
└── infrastructure # infrastructure applications
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