Kubernetes Pi Cluster relase v1.3

Apr 5, 2022 • ricsanfre

Today I am very happy to announce the third release of Kubernetes Pi Cluster project (v1.3).

Main feature included in this release: adding service mesh architecture based on Linkerd


The journey so far

This is the summary of the functionality added by the different releases of the project

Release v1.3.0 - 2022-04-05

Adding service mesh architecture to kubernetes cluster

Release Scope:

  • Deployment of Linkerd service mesh architecture
  • Linkerd integration with Cert-manager for automatically generate Linkerd trust anchor and rotate Linkerd identity issuer certificate and private keys.
  • Meshing cluster services with Linkerd.
  • Disabling Elasticsearch TLS default configuration. Secure communications provided by Linkerd.

Release v1.2.0 - 2022-02-03

Launched of this website (picluster.ricsanfre.com) and improvements in logging and monitoring solution

Release Scope:

  • New project website (picluster.ricsanfre.com) created from previous documentation files using Jekyll and GitHub pages
  • Fluentbit as unique logs collector solution (Fluentbit replacing Fluentd within the cluster)
  • Adding Velero and Minio Metrics to Prometheus
  • Activating Traefik’s access logs and integrate them into EFK

Release v1.1.0 - 2021-12-31

Redesign of the hardware architecture adding local storage (SSD disks) to all cluster nodes and including backup solution for the cluster based on Velero/Restic



Release Scope:

  • New cluster hardware. Supporting two different cluster storage architectures (centralized SAN and dedicated disks)
  • Cluster backup solution based on Minio S3 server, Velero and Restic
  • Ansible playbooks refactoring
  • Traefik and Longhorn metrics integrated into Prometheus

Release v1.0.0 - 2021-11-18

Initial complete release. First cluster hardware architecture using USB Flash-drives for booting the Raspberry Pis and building a iSCSI SAN server for providing local storage to cluster nodes.


Release Scope:

  • Kuberentes K3S deployment on Raspeberry-PI 4 based nodes
  • Centralized Storage Architecture using iSCSI SAN server.
  • Configuration of basic Kubernetes services
    • Traefik as Ingress Controller
    • Metallb as Load Balancer
    • CertManager as SSL certificates manager
    • Longhorn as distributed storage solution
    • EFK as centralized logging solution
    • Prometheus as monitoring solution
  • Automation through cloud-init and Ansible
    • Cloud-init configuration files for initial setup of the cluster nodes
    • Ansible playbooks and roles for automatically configure OS, install K3S and install basic services
  • Documentation of the installation and configuration process
